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Why Cosmetic Surgery is Necessary Today

Essay Instructions:

This essay is written that plastic surgery should be accepted today
From two aspects to write on the one hand is now the risk of plastic surgery is not so big
On the other hand is plastic surgery is good in some cases is the necessary choice
Use the language as simple as possible with some grammatical mistakes
I have online information
In the use of online information when the quotation marks and add the URL
Ablative vs. nonablative: In general, each system is either ablative, which means it both removes the top layer of skin and stimulates cell activity in the dermis (the inner layer of skin), or nonablative, which targets just the dermis, leaving the skin's surface unharmed and intact. Ablative systems are used less frequently and are recommended for use only on the face. They usually require just one treatment and can provide as much as 90 percent improvement, but because they remove the top layer of skin, there is some pain and up to two weeks of recovery time. Typically only lasers can be ablative. The majority of today's machines are nonablative, which generally cause little or no pain and have little or no downtime or side effects, save a few days of mild redness and swelling. However, they often require multiple treatments, sometimes over the course of several months. IPL and radio-frequency devices are designed to be nonablative, along with a number of lasers.
“What is Cosmetic Surgery?
Less-than-perfect noses, acne scars, and unsightly fat deposits are a fact of life for many people. While not damaging to health, those conditions can severely affect a person's self-esteem. Modern medicine offers many procedures for correcting these situations.”

Modifying the Body: Canadian Men's Perspectives on Appearance and Cosmetic Surgery


Ricciardelli, Rosemary; White, Philip


Qualitative Report, v16 n4 p949-970 Jul 2011. 22 pp.

Peer Reviewed:





Foreign Countries, Males, Self Concept, Human Body, Attitudes, Surgery, Cosmetology, Economic Impact, Masculinity, Clothing, Identification (Psychology), Adult Education



http://files(dot)eric(dot)ed(dot)gov/fulltext/EJ940794.pdf Yes

#31187 Support 2017-05-30 18:25 Cosmetic Surgery Throughout Western history, reconstructive surgery, referring specifically to surgeries performed to correct physical deformities or defects on the human body, has been used to camouflage scars, hide physical deterioration caused by diseases such as advanced syphilis or HIV/AIDS and correct birth defects such as cleft palates (Gillman, 1999). After World War I plastic surgery was used on disfiguring scar tissue resulting from burns (Gillman). The social acceptance of reconstructive surgery among medical professionals was based in the wartime emphasis on self-sufficiency – “the need for economic independence [the ability to earn a living] was one of the factors that made a patient's condition [their non-presentable appearance] worthy of medical attention” (Haiken, 1997, p. 38).

Surgeons were then faced with the challenge of defining limits; if improving someone's appearance could improve his/her life or economic dependence, would he/she, too, not be suitable candidates for surgery? Such challenges and the increased value in American culture placed on beauty – especially for women – made the quest for beauty necessary rather than simply desirable. Such trends motivated the evolution of cosmetic, rather than reconstructive, surgery (Haiken). Aesthetic or cosmetic surgery refers to medical and/or surgical techniques performed to enhance physical appearance (Gillman, 1999; Haiken, 1997; Wilson, 1992). Unlike reconstructive surgery, there is no medical justification for cosmetic surgery (Wilson). Such surgeries can be invasive, performed by a doctor and involving a surgical operation, or non-invasive, procedures such as laser hair removal or microdermabrasion Rosemary Ricciardelli and Philip White 953 that are performed in beauty salons. Early in the 1900s, many surgeons believed that cosmetic surgery itself contradicted the fundamental principle of the medical system by putting healthy patients at risk (Haiken). Over time, as more surgeons began to incorporate cosmetic procedures into their practice – as a method to improve the overall mental, physical and social health of their patients – a new range of optional medical treatments were created and available for purchase (Haiken). Now in the 21st century, cosmetic surgery is viewed as another way of seeking self-improvement (Haiken).

Despite the paucity of systematically collected data, cosmetic surgery has been growing in popularity in North America (American Society of Plastic Surgeons [ASPS], 2007; Medicard, 2003). Canadian surgeons noted in 1996 an increase of roughly 35 percent in the number of surgeries performed on Canadian men since the late 1980s (Medicard). Relative to females, male clients have more than doubled in recent decades to comprise between a quarter and a third of people electing to have surgery (Medicard). Beyond descriptive data on male cosmetic surgery, however, research has not explored the lived experiences of men who want to have, or have had, cosmetic surgery. Extant research on elective surgical procedures has focused primarily on the experiences of women (Balsamo, 1996; Davis, 2003; Morgan, 1991; Wolf, 1991)

Modifying the Body: Canadian Men's Perspectives on Appearance and Cosmetic Surgery


Ricciardelli, Rosemary; White, Philip


Qualitative Report, v16 n4 p949-970 Jul 2011. 22 pp.

Peer Reviewed:





Foreign Countries, Males, Self Concept, Human Body, Attitudes, Surgery, Cosmetology, Economic Impact, Masculinity, Clothing, Identification (Psychology), Adult Education





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Why Cosmetic Surgery is Necessary Today
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Literature and Language
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Why Cosmetic Surgery is Necessary Today
Due to its growing popularity in the recent years, it has become close to normal that plastic surgery should be done. There are more common procedures like facelifts, breast augmentation, and liposuction and all of them are to improve a patient’s appearance. It is also to conform to the ideals of society, but it has always been questioned if such procedures are really beneficial to clients. There had always been an argument whether it should be done or not and there will be two sides that will be discussed here. One is why people need cosmetic surgery and the other side is discussing the less risky practices of cosmetic surgery today. Even if cosmetic surgery offers its help a lot to people, it is not cheap and people take quite a while to money to spend for it.
There are physical and emotional benefits that can come from cosmetic surgery. People benefit from it physically because it corrects a deformation in their body or re-shape it (Flourweens, 2017). Those who have undergone cosmetic surgery will notice that not long after the surgery they are able to see the results right away. If they want their ears, nose, breast, etc. to look like the way they want it to, they will see it right away. Whenever a woman gets a breast augmentation surgery, her cup size is going to change after that and it will improve her body shape making her more attractive. This is the same with rhinoplasty surgery because the results are also seen right away.
Another way that cosmetic surgery benefits a person is its ability to stop aging. As people get older, there are changes in the body that happen leading to a decrease in self-confidence. Having cosmetic surgery will reverse aging effects making the person feel good despite of age (Midas, 2012). Even if it cannot extend one’s life, cosmetic surgery can restore one’s appearance helping people feel less constrained to the changes that people experience in their bodies while they age. Aside from aging, it also improves physical health especially with rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is nose reshaping that can improve one’s breathing and nose aesthetics. If there is breast augmentation, there is also breast reduction. It makes the body contour better and relieves someone of physical discomfort such as neck and back pain irritation caused by disproportionately large breasts (Rappaport M.D, 2015).
Another area cosmetic surgery improves that not many people realize is professional life. If a person is not confident about their appearance because they feel awkward, it can interfere with ambition and attitude. It is unfortunate that people let their insecurities hinder their accomplishments in their career. Even if appearance is not always judged by others, changing something a person does not like about their appearance helps a lot. Increased confidence will make the person gain more changes, speak out, and have more boldness helping them achieve certain goals.
Whenever a person chooses cosmetic surgery to gain confidence, it will end the cycle of them feeling bad because of their appearance. As everyone kno...
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