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A Strong Power-oriented Linguistic Style

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of each Leader in Action assignment is to have students reflect upon a leadership question and to take away valuable lessons that might help them in their own career growth.
In today's business world, do you see any potential downside to using a strong power-oriented linguistic style when leading others? If not, why? If yes, what are they?
 Good writing combines the quality of well-written ideas with technical fluency. Good writing should also be clear and concise. The writing assignments in this course were created so that outside sources would not be necessary; it is your ideas and insights I am interested in reading!
The five-paragraph format will keep your writing focused and easy to follow. Here’s how it works:
Paragraph #1: Introduction
What is the one main idea you are trying to present? It is always appropriate to begin your writing with one or two lines that outline “where you are going”. If you want to begin the introduction with your main idea right away, that is also acceptable. What is most important about the introductory paragraph is that you stay focused and present one idea to your reader.
Paragraph #2 Body
Paragraph #3 Body
Paragraph #4 Body
Paragraphs #2 - #4 each make one additional point that acts as support for the main idea presented in Paragraph #1. Offer relevant details and/or evidence for that one additional point only. When you have finished providing relevant details for that one point, move onto the next supporting paragraph, and provide details for that point only.
Paragraph #5 Conclusion
The conclusion of your writing provides a review of the main points made and an appropriate “wrap up” to the writing. New information or new ideas are not included in a conclusion.
For some of the assignments in this course, you might not feel the need to include five paragraphs. You will always have Paragraph #1 and Paragraph #5, but if you believe you have successfully made your point by providing fewer than three paragraphs of supporting information, make a leadership decision and submit the assignment. 
 Understanding the Principles of Persuasion can help a leader become more effective in communicating with others. Amy Cuddy and Dan Pink have very different styles, but each was trying to make a solid case to their respective audiences. Pick one of the speakers and discuss how he/she effectively used one of the Principles of Persuasion to convince you of his/her main point. IN ONE PARAGRAPH ..

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A Strong Power-oriented Linguistic Style
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A Strong Power-oriented Linguistic Style
One of the techniques to speak with enthusiasm and drive is to use a power-oriented linguistic style. Sustaining loudness, speaking quickly, and incorporating humor and anecdotes between sentences exemplify a power-oriented linguistic style. It has an impact on listeners' minds. They will be more willing to listen, and interaction will be more successful as a result. Establishing a strong communication framework, stressing direct instead of indirect conversations, and dismissing ambiguity are all methods used in this manner. Non-verbal communication that suggests strength, relentlessness, command, and personality can also improve communication skills. Thus, I don't find any potential downside to using a strong power-oriented linguistic style when leading others in today's business world.
Power-oriented linguistics styles comprise the non-verbal communication skills and how leaders and speakers present themselves to the audience. Standing erect, speaking at a decent pace with a loud and clear tone, and frequently smiling in a comfortable manner are ways to improve your linguistic style. Their nonverbal cues also influence the way a person communicates with others. People have been demonstrated to accord more attention and advantages to well-dressed and well-presented. When people like someone, they frequently regard them more when they don't; by so doing, the communication between the leaders and the audience is accorded to be effective and successful.
One of the most critical parts of an organization's leadership is communication. A leader is supposed to communicate their thoughts in the appropriate tone and with the appropriate wording. The power-oriented language style involves speaking loudly, inserting jokes, speaking quickly, and commanding others to perform as instructed. It's fascinating to listen to someone who uses this approach and see how it affects the audience's thoughts. Effective corporate leaders strive to guide their firms toward accomplishing their objectives. If leaders lack power and authority, they will not motivate their followers. As a result, leaders can gain the drive to advocate for their ideas by using a voice that inspires strength.
Leaders with strong power-oriented linguistics styles find it easy to solve organizational problems due to diverse cultural presences. Conquering communication barriers posed by interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds p...
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