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Hubris in the World of Sports

Essay Instructions:

You must answer numbers 1 , 2 and 3. In all, you will have three questions answered.

All responses should be in essay format with complete sentences and paragraphs. Be sure to provide evidence and examples to support your assertions. There is no specific page requirement; write as fully and completely as possible and until you have nothing more to say for each question. I would aim for multiple paragraphs. When appropriate, use as many references to course ideas and course material (i.e., film, documentaries, short stories, reading excerpts, class discussion/lectures). Also, try not to double up on the use of texts too much. You may use outside sources only for part of #1. For the rest of the exam, you want to demonstrate a good awareness of multiple readings/films from the course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Question 1
Hubris refers to defiance inspired by excessive pride, which results in nemesis. Hubris is common in the world of sport, whereby successful sportspeople become overly self-confident. In the film "Eight Men Out," the players are largely influenced by their self-confidence. Specifically, Eddie Cicotte demonstrates how Hubris played a part in the film. Cicotte was a star Pitcher in the team and amassing glory to Sox's name. The team owner, Comiskey, had promised Cicotte a bonus if the latter won 30 games. After being denied the bonus, Cicotte felt undermined and deserving despite not meeting the criteria. He resorted to defiance by taking part in throwing the world championship for money. Cicotte's decision made Chomiskey his nemesis, whereby throwing the game was a revenge plan. In the case of Cicotte, Hubris compares to the fight between Mike Tyson and Buster Douglass in 1990. Tyson was an Undisputed heavyweight champion during this period, while Douglass was ranked the seventh (Hoffer, 1998). The latter was experienced mixed success in his career. Before the fight, Douglass faced various challenges-he lost a relative, his wife was ailing, and he contracted flu. On the other hand, Tyson spent the night partying, claiming that Douglass was an amateur and could not lose. On the contrary to his attitude and most people's expectations, Tyson lost the fight, which was his first defeat during that period.
Question 2
"Mourning Glory" by Chris Ballard outlines the journey of William Sport's high school baseball team to excellence, following the incidence of two deaths a few years apart. In Ballard's story, the ordinary world is the first notable aspect of a hero's journey. At the story's beginning, the readers are introduced to the team through flashbacks and descriptions of the school and society. Readers get to know the heroes, the baseball team, ...
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