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Encounters I Have Faced That Have Shaped My Decisions in School and Life in General

Essay Instructions:

1. What experience has helped mold you into the person you are today? [450 words]2. Why do you believe you need, or should receive, financial assistance, such as the Maria's Scholars Scholarship to attend a college/university? **This should include details about family situations such as: care of family members, medical situations, family financial burdens and/or how important it will be for you to work while in college. Financial information provided will remain confidential. Please avoid providing any identifying information such as your family member's names. [300 words]3. Being a champion is about more than winning or being number one. Sometimes being a champion is about giving back to the community, standing up for your beliefs, or supporting a cause you believe in. What makes you a champion in your school or in your community? [450 words]
4. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. serves its community under a five-point programmatic thrust promoting: Economic Development, Educational Development, International Awareness and Involvement, Physical and Mental Health, and Political Awareness and Involvement. How do your future goals fall into any of these areas and how will receiving this scholarship help you achieve these goals? [1000 words]

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Several encounters I have faced have shaped my decisions in school and life in general. I was born in Dublin, Ireland, but grew up in Lagos, Nigeria, until I was 11 years old. Although my family was in the middle-income class, I grew up surrounded by people living in poverty and despair. We lived in a gated community in Nigeria, but I witnessed people living in shanties and dilapidated houses every day. The street families, too, were growing in numbers and setting up temporary shelters by the roadsides for survival. I sympathized with such families because they were struggling to meet their basic needs, including food, shelter, and clothing.
Putting myself in their shoes enabled me to resonate with their lives characterized by absolute poverty. Eating from the bins is unthinkable for most people but a reality to some. Availability of clean water, sanitation, affordable education, and healthcare is a challenge for most people living in informal settlements. Children born and raised in such situations experience limited opportunities and exposure, thus creating a vicious cycle of poverty. The healthcare system in Nigeria is marred by corruption, making it difficult for people to access affordable services. As a result, the country records high mortality rates, which would have been prevented with proper healthcare. Pregnant women also experience high maternal mortality deaths or pregnancy-related complications.
Growing up, I remember one time when my maternal grandfather fell seriously ill. He had been in and out of the hospital, but his condition deteriorated. We thought that maybe it was due to old age, but there was more than met the eye. My grandfather had been diagnosed with malaria, but we later found out that he was diabetic. By the time we realized the misdiagnosis, it was too late as he died of diabetic ketoacidosis. I remember my mother complaining about how incompetent the medical staff appeared, coupled with inadequate laboratory equipment to perform diagnostic tests. The pharmacies in public hospitals mainly were out of stock, making it difficult for patients to access affordable medication. My grandfather's death devastated the family because it would have been prevented had he been diagnosed correctly. The misdiagnosis was not unique to us, as it was the norm in Nigeria. The experience ignited an interest in me to be able to be in a position to influence positive change in the healthcare sector. My ambition led me to pursue a career in medicine to give back to my community.
Moving to America was a blessing, but it has not been rosy. My parents' divorce forced my mother to struggle to raise us. Although women are expected to stay at home and raise children, I have seen my mother going beyond the stereotype to raise two children under twelve in a foreign country while working two jobs and studying simultaneously. She has taught us to be resilient and hardworking in everything we embark on.
Need for Financial Assistance
I have grown up seeing my mother struggle to put my sister and me through school single-handedly. My parents divorced, leaving my mother no choice but to raise us despite the financial challenges that she faced. She works two jobs to make ends meet while still furthering her studies with the hope of getting a better-paying job. Sometimes the financial obligations are overwhelming, and we can only afford the basics. At one point, I almost dropped out of school due to fees arrears. My family has accumulated debts that my mother is struggling to offset due to her financial situation. Receiving this scholarship will provide financial relief for my struggling family. My mother will also be able to afford quality education for my sister and pay for her studies as well.
Being an immigrant, I have the disadvantage of not qualifying for financial aid. Therefore, receiving this scholarship would substantially reduce the financial burden that may deprive me of the chance to attend school and accomplish my goals. I am a hardworking student who has excelled in academics and extra-curricular activities, and I aim to make my family and sponsors proud by succeeding. Despite the adversities I have faced, I have remained a focused and high-achieving student. Receiving this scholarship will benefit me and my community as I aim to inspire and support others to achieve their dreams.
Working while in college will enable me to be in a position to assist my mother financially. It will also help to offset some debts that my family has accumulated with time. The financial relief offered through the scholarship will ensure that I go through school without the fear of dropping out due to unpaid fees. This will be a blessing to my family as our education has constantly been disrupted due to fee arrears. Additionally, I will be able to concentrate more on schoolwork without constantly worrying about the financial situation at home. Limited interruptions will translate to better scores in my grades which will be something to be proud of.
Being a Champion at School and in the Community
I have faced several challenges that have molded me into the person I am today. Seeing my mom working very hard to single-handedly raise us made me believe in hard work and resilience. When I was in middle school in North Carolina and high school in New Jersey, I participated in several after-school programs that helped me gain acceptance into a STEM program. I worked hard in school, and although I was not the top student, I was among the ten students accepted into the SMART program at Rutgers University through an interview-based selection. My acceptance into the program was an outstanding achievement for me as it propelled me towards the goal of eventually becoming a qualified physician assistant. Although I face discrimination as an immigrant in school, I have learned to look past the challenges and focus on my goals.
Coming from a family of divorced parents, I have seen the challenges that my mother has gone through as a single mother. She had to work two jobs and attend school at the same time while still looking after my younger sister and me and helping us with homework. As a first-born daughter, I had to take up responsibilities at an early stage. I looked a...
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