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Personal Reaction to Trauma

Essay Instructions:

For your first formal paper, write an essay about an event or moment in your life that will be engaging for readers and that will, at the same time, help them understand the significance of the event or moment to your current worldview. Tell your story dramatically and vividly. You may wish to discuss as act of injustice that you experienced or reflect on an experience/event that has helped form who you are today and/or how you view the world.

Audience: A peer who is intelligent and curious about human behavior

Length: 3-4 pages, Times New Roman, double-spaced

Some helpful hints—

Limit your story to one event: do not relate an entire day, week, or series of events leading up to the main event. Just write about the event.

However, it is okay to give limited and appropriate background information leading up to the setting and circumstances of the event

The event should have some significance to your insights and development as a person, a point that goes beyond the simple telling of a story and gives the audience something to work through. Think about the stories you’ve watched to inform this.

When describing people, settings, or situations in your story, strive to show more and tell less

Use sensory details: concrete and metaphorical

“Use dialogue when appropriate,” .

Avoid overly traumatic events that may still trigger you: recent breakups, death of loved ones, horrific personal tragedies.

No grade is worth retraumatizing yourself and therefore please do not write about a incidence you haven’t been able to work through.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Loss: A Short (Traumatic) History
That was a moment a sweeping sense of frustration weighed down on me, as if I was sinking into a bottomless ocean. The expectations were rooftop: smarter company, exciting experience and shining professional prospects. The “signs” I picked up, or signaled to me, showed a direction everyone was sure I was destined to. More, an excellent record, strong recommendations and sky-high spirits were in abundance. That was one of a few rare moments when your family, educator, peers and everyone you know agree, almost in consensus, you are destined for something. That something, everyone said, was up to me: I was just meant for something. In cherishing moments of celebration, praise and constant encouragement, I was lost, I admit, into halos of glory, success and, well, wealth. These moments, I found out, are a construct, a make-believe, a delusion I – and, for that matter, anyone cherishing such moments without restraint – indulge in so deep and for so long until a moment, a crushing moment, of actual confrontation erupts, as a huge helium ball up in air, once admired by everyone, now diving down, drawn out of helium – and pomp. That moment was – is – not a moment unique to me, of course not. The impact of such a moment, a universal one, is, instead, unique to everyone. That moment, my moment of loss, was unique in impact. That moment I came to a realization I just cannot. That was – is – hard. The culmination in one HUGE moment of loss after a string, in fact a very long string of successes, makes such a moment stand out as extremely painful and, I suspect, enduring. There is, I suspect as well, some sunny side to my moment of loss. The curve of education, change of perspective and enlightenment started in success, peaked at a HUGE moment of loss and is currently plateauing into moments of self-reflection, understanding and, most importantly, a change in worldview. The journey – not actually very long if compared to, say, spiritual journeys – I have undergone is road, once not taken, is, I see, a road I am going
along. To understand, to see, where I am now and where I have come from, I need to go back not so long ago to recall, not so much to agonize over pain and loss yet to draw wisdom and maintain a worldview I have converted to.
The celebrations of a (happy) New Year were erupting, as always, everywhere. The fireworks, mutual congratulation...
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