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You Shouldn’t Have To Deal With That Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Task 1: Watch the video ' Shared Media: Evaluate the Video: You Shouldn't Have to Deal with That' and write a 300 words response of the video 1 page double space must include 'How do you explain the professor's behavior? What should Josh do next? What should Mr. Conway do next? Type up your ideas and upload your response in a document. '

Task2: write a 100 words summary of the Shared Media response here is a example by my classmate:

For this week's video, we watched you shouldn't have to deal with that. The video did an excellent job in demonstrating how overwhelm and stressed students feel when they do not feel as if they are being treated the same or simply do not feel welcome at all in classrooms. Towards the end of the video, it was evidently shown how even though the student was aware that the racist comments would continue, he chose to lay it off for another week. I think this goes to represent the difficult situations these students are placed in, as they want to speak up but in most cases are afraid to do so, because of the consequences they believe they will have to face. However, I believe that speaking up about it and having the dean aware of the situation is a large first step and will definitely help take the stress weight off of the student.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

You Shouldn’t Have To Deal With That
[date]Task 1: Video Response
Racism in educational institutions is not news because some people in the community have internalized racial discrimination. They could be students, faculty members, staff, or anyone from the institution. Internalized racism would often manifest in people's actions or words toward a person of color or a different racial group. In Josh's case, his sociology teacher treats him differently from the rest of the class, according to him. Of course, no one else would know the feeling and the situation but Josh. It is kind of ironic that a sociology teacher, who is supposed to understand the diversity of people, shows uncomfortable treatment to a student. As mentioned above, the teacher must have deep-rooted racial biases for her to make unnecessary commentaries to Josh.
Josh's action of telling Mr. Conway about the situation is a wise move. Being in an educational institution, students should be comfortable in seeking guidance and protection from educational authorities. Mr. Conway, on the other hand, is also respectful of Josh's decision to let a week pass by before taking action if anything happens again. Mr. Conway allows Josh to independently face his situation while securing his support to the student.
However, Josh must not solely rely on Mr. Conway. He should always be attentive to other biased treatment of his teacher and be prepared to take action on the spot. For instance, he could blatantly ask her remarks that are unnecessary and rude. This can take the teacher ...
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