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Literature & Language Essay: From Instant Coffee to Boutique Coffee

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Calibri or similar 11 font size, 1.5 line spacing, 1 inch margin.

Three body paragraphs: 1) reasons people used to drink instant coffee 2) reasons more younger people preferred boutique coffee 3) coffee future market in China


Sources: https://www(dot)chinadaily(dot)com(dot)cn/a/202004/15/WS5e966014a3105d50a3d16427.html



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From Instant Coffee to Boutique Coffee
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From Instant Coffee to Boutique Coffee
Instant coffee or coffee powder is one of the most widely consumed beverages. It is produced by grinding coffee beans. Statistics show that the global instant coffee market was worth $ 11.5 billion in 2009, registering a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5% between 2014 and 2019. Despite the increased consumption rate of instant coffee, boutique coffee is also gaining momentum as experts say that more boutique coffee shops are built in many countries, including China. In China, this growth has been witnessed currently, with business experts saying that more boutique coffee shops are available compared to the last decade.
Reasons People used to Drink Instant Coffee.
One reason people used to drink instant coffee is its less caffeine content. Research shows that instant coffee has less caffeine than a fresh-brewed type. Reports from the International Food Information indicated that an average cup of instant coffee contains about 65 milligrams to 85 milligrams of coffee per serving. In contrast, brewed coffee contains around 75 milligrams to 165 milligrams per serving (Boldt, 2019).
According to Healthline.com, caffeine is the most consumed stimulant globally, and coffee is its primary source. However, based on the study, instant coffee contains less caffeine compared to regular coffee. Since sensitivity to caffeine depends on the individual, instant coffee is regarded as a better choice for people who want to consume less caffeine. Excessive coffee intake can cause anxiety, restlessness, disrupted sleep, increased heartbeat, tremors, and upset stomach (Hartman, 2017). Those who needed to prevent these risks used to drink instant coffee because of its low caffeine content.
Another reason people used to drink instant coffee is that it contains antioxidants and nutrients. Healthline.com revealed that coffee is the largest source of antioxidants in today's diet. Experts believe that its high antioxidant content has many health benefits. Antioxidants are compounds produced in the human body and found in foods. They help prevent the cells from damage caused by free radicals: - potentially harmful molecules (Hartman, 2017). The accumulation of free radicals may result in oxidative stress. This implies that instant coffee, rich in antioxidants, can help reduce damage caused by oxidation. Antioxidants may also reduce the risk of multiple diseases like heart disease and certain cancers (Healthline.com). This help benefit caused by instant coffee influenced people to drink instant coffee.
People also used to drink instant coffee because it helps reduce blood sugar levels. This is according to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism in 2012. In this study, researchers conducted a clinical trial with overweight men who had mild blood sugar elevations (Hartman, 2017). The participants were instructed to take five cups of instant coffee every day for four months (Hartman, 2017). The researchers monitored the participants' blood levels and found that those who drink instant coffee had modest improvements in blood sugar levels compared to those who did not drink coffee (Hartman, 2017). The results were equal for both regular and decaf.
Reasons More Younger People Preferred Boutique Coffee
One reason young people preferred boutique coffee is status. Whenever people use something, they are not just interested in the product they want. They are interested in the whole experience. This scenario occurs with coffee. At a young age, young people see their elders drinking coffee and working or chatting with friends. Some adults drink coffee to stay awake in the morning. When young people grow up, they want to have similar status as their elders, and o...
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