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Final Project. Answer the Questions. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

This page lists the six short-essay questions and provides links to any resources necessary to answer them.

Important! Make sure to include your name, email, and school with your final answersAs you read through these questions, please remember that we'll be looking to see the application of the ideas reviewed in the previous interactive activities. You will upload your answers in a single Word or PDF document in the next course section. If you have any questions as you work through the readings and assignments, please don't hesitate to contact your tutor. 

For each question, we first link to any required readings and then link to any optional readings or resources that may help you write your answer. However, you are not required to review the optional resources.Important! You must provide answers to all six questions.
Question 1: Greenspan's Harvard Commencement Speech

Required Readings: 

Harvard University Commencement Speech by (then) Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan 

Please focus on these four paragraphs: 
[1] "I do not deny that many appear to have succeeded in a material way by cutting corners and manipulating associates, both in their professional and in their personal lives. But material success is possible in this world and far more satisfying when it comes without exploiting others. The true measure of a career is to be able to be content, even proud, that you succeeded . . . without leaving a trail of casualties in your wake."
[2] "I cannot speak for others whose psyches I may not be able to comprehend, but, in my working life, I have found no greater satisfaction than achieving success through honest dealings and strict adherence to the view that for you to gain, those you deal with should gain as well. Human relations--be they personal or professional--should not be zero sum games."
[3] "And beyond the personal sense of satisfaction, having a reputation for fair dealing is a profoundly practical virtue. We call it 'good will' in business and add it to our balance sheets."
[4] "Trust is at the root of any economic system based on mutually beneficial exchange. In virtually all transactions, we rely on the word of those with whom we do business. Were this not the case, exchange of goods and services could not take place on any reasonable scale. Our commercial codes and contract law presume that only a tiny fraction of contracts, at most, need be adjudicated. If a significant number of businesspeople violated the trust upon which our interactions are based, our court system and our economy would be swamped into immobility."
[a] Do you think Greenspan is being realistic about the possibility of business ethics? Cite specific language from his speech (in quotation marks) and explain your reasoning.
[b] Identify the core ethical values you plan to follow in your career.

Question 2: Lawyer Plagiarism

Required Readings: 
Iowa Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary Board v. Peter Cannon
[a] Why should judges care if attorneys submit plagiarized legal briefs or motions? Please explain your answer. 

[b] The Iowa Supreme Court referred to another case involving attorney plagiarism (Iowa Supreme Court Board of Professional Ethics & Conduct v. Lane). In that case, the punishment for attorney Lane (suspension of his license to practice) was more severe than the punishment imposed on attorney Cannon. What distinction did the court make between these two cases? Do you agree with the court’s reasoning?

Question 3: Two Lives of Integrity: 
Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass

There are two separate assignments for you to complete. One on Abraham Lincoln and the other on Frederick Douglass. Please do both. [1] One of Abraham Lincoln's greatest attributes was his ability to recover and learn from failure. The quality of perseverance seemed especially useful to Lincoln as he struggled with "melancholy" (what might now be called depression). For Lincoln, learning how to persevere also meant learning how to adapt.
Required Reading: Lincoln's Great Depression 
Questions: [a] Based on your reading of Shenk's article, "Lincoln's Great Depression", please identify two of Lincoln's most successful adaptation strategies (skills, habits, or ways of thinking) that helped him use his struggle with depression to accomplish worthy goals. Provide textual evidence (e.g. quotations) to support your answer. Hint: Shenk argued that Lincoln developed a purpose-driven life, focused on redefining "the spirit of the Declaration of Independence." Understanding how Lincoln defined the Declaration's "spirit" will help you appreciate one of his most successful and impactful adaptation strategies. [b] What idea or insight in the full article would you recommend to others (a friend, perhaps)? Provide a direct quotation from the article to support your answer.
[2] The great abolitionist Frederick Douglass challenged and admired Lincoln. Both men eventually formed a close partnership leading to the abolition of slavery. Required Readings (two speeches by Frederick Douglass):Oration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln (1876)Composite Nation (1869) (Excerpts)

Questions:   [a] Based on the two assigned speeches from Douglass, what characteristics does he display as a thinker and a writer? (People continue to read these speeches because they're powerful and memorable. What makes them powerful and memorable?) Cite a specific example from each speech to support your answer.
[b] Leading a life of integrity: based on the readings in both assignments above, please identify at least one quality of character exhibited by Lincoln and Douglass you might wish to cultivate in yourself. 

*Important reminder: It's essential to use quotation marks or block indentation when you incorporate any language from any source, including all IS readings. It's equally important to avoid a "deceptive" or "patchwork paraphrase" (changing or adding occasional words, but otherwise using the author's core ideas and phraseology without attribution). Click here for guidance from the University of Wisconsin on the difference between permissible and impermissible paraphrasing. Click here for guidance from Harvard University on the kinds of "common knowledge" you are not required to quote or cite. If in doubt, it's always prudent to include quotation marks and a citation. Contact the Integrity Seminars Tutor Team (tutors@integrityseminar.org) if these instructions are unclear or if you have any questions. 

Question 4: Statement of GratitudeFirst, please read Book One of the Meditations of Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius (link below).
Required Readings: Meditations (Book1) 
Optional Resources: Background information about Stoicism
Additional background for reflection: a philosophical perspective on gratitude... 
"Aware only of his own satisfactions and his own happiness, hoarding them as a miser hoards his coin . . . the egoist cannot be grateful. Ingratitude is not the incapacity to receive but the inability to give back--in the form of joy or love--a little of the joy that was received or experienced. This is why ingratitude is so pervasive a vice. [Ungrateful people] absorb joy as others absorb light, for egoism is a black hole." 
--Andre Comte-Sponville, Professor of philosophy at the Sorbonne (France)
Questions: [a] Write a concise statement of gratitude (400 words or less) identifying the ethical and intellectual debts you owe to family members, teachers, or friends. Fictitious names are permitted, but the statement of gratitude should be genuine

Question 5: Shattered Glass
Please see the film Shattered Glass (Lionsgate, 2004). You should be able to find the film online here or on DVD. The rental cost is about $4. Important: please include a dated rental or purchase receipt--copy or screenshot--with your answer. Contact the Integrity Seminars Tutor Team (tutors@integrityseminar.org) immediately if you can't provide such a dated receipt. We know clips from the film are available online. Using information from those sources is easily detectable and would constitute a violation of our Integrity Affirmation. Finally, since you'll be seeing this film in digital format, please identify the time in the film when the scene occurred. Answers without this verifiable time identification will be returned. Questions:[a] What scene in the film made the strongest impression on you? Please describe. 
[b] What habits did Glass develop that proved harmful to him? How can you avoid developing comparable bad habits yourself? 
[c] What advice would you give to editors about how to avoid hiring someone like Stephen Glass? What kind of pre-employment screening do you recommend? Please remember see this related Integrity Seminars video.A word of caution: We're not asking you to find outside commentary on this film. You're being asked to think and write for yourself. Much of what we see online about the film is demonstrably wrong--and an invitation to plagiarism (we monitor two pertinent plagiarism sites in particular).The more students appropriate someone else's work and submit it as their own the less they expand their own capacity for creative thought. To the extent academic dishonesty becomes habitual, they're diminishing the quality of their own education.Repeatedly engaging in academic dishonesty is comparable to aspiring to be a top athlete, but hiring someone else to do all the practice and training. It simply doesn't work. The failure inevitably becomes apparent on the athletic field and in the workplace. Meanwhile, when dishonesty is detected--as it often is--students are creating educational records damaging to their reputation.

Question 6: Retirement Banquet
First, without reviewing your previous answers to this question, please answer the question again (repeated below). This isn't a memory test. Even if you do remember much of what you previously wrote, you're free in this version to make any desired additions, modifications or changes in priority. You're also free to retain your original answer without changes, if you prefer.Please pretend you're at a retirement banquet. This is a serious and formal occasion, not a "roast." The person retiring is 65 years old and at the end of a long career. You know this person well--both inside and outside the workplace. It's your job to say a few truthful, descriptive words about them. What character or personality traits come to mind?
Question for you to answer: (repeated): Pretend the person retiring is you. In short, we're asking you to project yourself into the future and to identify at least five descriptive words you hope others would say about you at a comparable event. By "descriptive words" we mean single words or very short phrases. Please number each descriptive word or phrase and rank them in priority order ( #1 = the most important to you). Three New Questions to Answer: [a] Briefly identify any notable differences between your first answer and your answers to this concluding assignment. "Notable differences" would include a change in priority of answers (for example, #1 was moved to #4). 
[b] Please identify any Seminar ideas, readings, or exercises that help account for those differences. How did they influence your thinking? 
[c] How is a good life defined, and what is your plan to achieve it? Please refer to themes from the assigned readings to support your answer. 

I am concerned that one or more of your responses do not meet our plagiarism guidelines, in that some of the language seems familiar to me from previous student responses and/or online sources. Here's our policy:

Plagiarism - Important (please read carefully)

Our questions are designed to elicit your analysis and opinions. Do not rely on secondary sources. Use and cite only the assigned readings (brief quotations only). Any quotation you use must come directly from the cited reading itself.

You are not precluded from identifying and briefly discussing the views of others (e.g., a scholar not referenced in the assigned readings). Your related discussion/analysis, however, must be entirely in your own words.

Sadly, we have had experiences with students using uncited information from the Internet while taking the Academic Integrity Seminar. Please be aware that we are knowledgeable of common Internet sources, and that we implement algorithms to detect plagiarism of those sources. Utilization of uncited analysis may result in the failure of your Seminar and notification of your office of student conduct.

Are all of your answers your own words and not based on content of others? I'd like to give you a chance to revise your answers and resubmit them, with an eye toward making sure they are original and 100% your own work. If you don't revise to meet the guidelines, you may end up failing the seminar.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Final Project
Question 1
* A business’s existence and survival is dependent on the ethical values it upholds. Therefore, Greenspan was realistic in visualizing the possibility of business ethics. In the business world, trust between a business and its clients as well as between the employees of a business is dependent on the character of the business. The image a business exudes ends up being the fabric that keeps everything together. The stakeholders of a business get to see this image and make decisions on whether to transact with the business based on it. People want to work with a business or with people who protect their interests. As a business, one’s goals should include helping enhance the growth of its business partners. As Greenspan says, success is truly achieved when a business deals fairly and upholds the notion that for it to succeed, its partners have to succeed as well. Mutual growth and wins, for itself and its partners, is the end goal for businesses grounded in ethics.
In the business world, many people are honest in the dealings. Also, this lot practice fairness in business and seek to attain growth for their partners as well. There will always be bad apples in a group, but these should not form an entire group’s image. With the majority doing the right things, it is possible to change and adopt policies that enhance ethical practice in business. On the other hand, as Greenspan notes, if the majority violates trust in business, the repercussions will be dire and will result in a corrupt system.
* I plan to employ these values in my career:
Social justice, dignity, integrity, and competence.
Creativity – coming up with new ideas.
Achievement – doing what is necessary to achieve the desired results.
Challenge – tasking myself with tasks that are new to me.
Autonomy – I would like to work with little or no supervision.
Influence – leave an imprint on people’s opinions and ideas.
Question 2
* No one claiming to fight for the rights of other people should be found using plagiarized work. Someone else’s work is their contribution to the world. It is their right, and one cannot fight for another person’s right while violating another’s. Therefore, judges need to care whether attorneys submit plagiarized briefs or not. Plagiarism is synonymous with stealing, and attorneys ought to lead by example. People need to obtain authorization from authors if they wish to use their work. Using plagiarized work should amount to an ethical and moral violation, and action needs to be taken against attorneys who use plagiarized work. Stern action, including getting the attorneys disbarred, should be considered. There is a need to set precedence, especially when there is a crime of this magnitude involved. Infringing on people’s rights and their work is indeed criminal, and stern action should be leveled against anyone who is found guilty. It is in the interest of the law and the country to follow the law and respect other people’s work. Doing so ensures that there is unity, respect for other people, and respect for the law as well.
* Lane’s desire to try and deceive the court brings about a distinction in the cases. After the court determined that there were instances of plagiarism in the case v. Lane, Lane failed to acknowledge plagiarism and did not respond to the court for a long time. There was no admission of guilt on the part of Lane, and this separates the two cases. Therefore, I agree with the court’s reasoning because it sends a message to attorneys that they are not above the law. Any misconduct, especially one as grave as plagiarism, has to be punished, and it should be nothing short of disbarment. The action will serve as a deterrent measure for other attorneys who are thinking of duping the court.
Question 3
* Lincoln was different in the way he responded to depression and mental tribulations. As reported by Shenk, Lincoln had what was known as melancholy episodes. Today, these would be known as depression. One strategy that Lincoln used was that “he told jokes and stories at odd times-he needed the laughs, he said, for his survival.” He found a perfect distraction that worked for him. This helped him to navigate the mental demons that were after him. He was able to deal with the dark thoughts that were in his mind. Slowly, such helped him to overcome whatever it is that troubled him. As Shenk writes, he was an enigma, and even his friends saw how his melancholy changed or made him different.
Aside from the above, Lincoln also used the strategy of purpose. Living a purposeful life helped him develop focus, and thus he was able to remain grounded continually. His desire was to accomplish that which “would redound to the interest of his fellow man.” These were words of a man who did not want to allow his circumstances to dictate how he led his life. His desire to make a meaningful contribution to society motivated him. With such a desire, it is comprehensible that he lived his life to serve others and did not waiver in his stances. The above is seen in his quest to change America’s face by recognizing the rights of all people. In his presidency, it was clear that he lived by the mantra that “all men are created equal.”
* I would recommend that my friends live for something greater. In the current individualistic world, it is difficult to meet people who live their lives solely for others. Lincoln wanted to leave a legacy. He wanted to change not only the face of America but leave an imprint for the world. “He wanted to connect his name with the great events of his generation…This was no mere wish, Lincoln said, but what he “desired to live for”.” The above paints a picture of a man who gave his life to serve his purpose. So, I would recommend that my friends live for something greater than their dreams and themse...
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