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2 pages/≈550 words
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Lessons and Practices Gained After Finishing Assignments and Projects

Essay Instructions:

The project that was the most interesting, the project that was the most challenging and the project that taught you the most about yourself (discipline, curiosity, determination, etc.). Feel free to discuss the negative side of these projects.
You must write about 3 different projects. Point deduction if less than 3 projects are discussed. This reflection is about Mini Assignments, NOT about Discussion Boards or other small assignments.

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Course Date
Reflection on the Mini-Assignments
Throughout the semester, I have had the opportunity to do several projects, and each of them has impacted me in their different ways. While some were interesting, others were challenging, and some taught me more about myself. In this report, I am going to examine three projects that have the mentioned effects on me.
The project that was the most interesting to me was my “Thanksgiving Holiday Memories.” I cannot say that I have very fond memories of my holidays but getting to relive those moments filled me with exhilaration. What interests me about Thanksgiving is that it normally gives us the opportunity to come together as a family and enjoy. While this project was good and crucial to help relieve those precious early moments, it never gave me the opportunity to reason in an unbiased manner. Normally, with such stories, what people want is to make it sound that they were having a wonderful time. Sometimes, it is easy to conceal the truth so that we present a wonderful story. The story never gave me the opportunity to brainstorm and think outside the box. Every story I wanted to put seemed to be free-flowing, and everything was almost falling into place. Besides, the story never gave me the opportunity to have a range of issues that I could cover. Most of the time, I centered on issues surrounding ...
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