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Lessons Gained from Most Interesting and Most Challenging Projects

Essay Instructions:

The project that was the most interesting, the project that was the most challenging and the project that taught you the most about yourself (discipline, curiosity, determination, etc.). Feel free to discuss the negative side of these projects.
You must write about 3 different projects. Point deduction if less than 3 projects are discussed. This reflection is about Mini Assignments, NOT about Discussion Boards or other small assignments.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Project Discussion
Part 1 – Most Interesting Project
The project that is most interesting for me is the Future Career Report. It has taught me how companies and brands recruit employees and what kinds of changes they made in their infrastructures in order to come up with the expectations of customers and workers. I have also learned that only successful companies dare to take risks and that it takes a company many months and sometimes years to know how to enhance the employee experience. The one thing companies should do is that they need to provide their employees with handsome salaries, and based on their performance, weekly or monthly bonuses should also be given. It is a common observation that most employees want to work with established companies or the ones that offer them handsome salaries and other benefits. It makes me understand that startups may not be able to ensure their survival in a competitive environment if they do not provide their workers with a friendly, safe and excellent environment. In addition, it is the right of employees to have plenty of chances of personal and professional growth.
Part 2 – Most Challenging Project
The most challenging project is where I am asked to write a job application to the manager of Mercedes-Benz of San Diego. I was asked to apply for a job of Mercedes-Benz Dealer there, and it was too difficult for me to write an impressive job lett...
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