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The Ballot or the Bullet Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

In this paper you will analyze a seminal document of dissent from early in the decade (1963 and 1964) and place it in a larger historical context of this course going back to Reconstruction. How was dissent being articulated and framed in this document? Why, according to these authors, was dissent necessary in spite of the externally tense international situation with the Cold War? Who or what was the author in dialogue with? That is, who or what was the target of the piece? And how was the author defining not just dissent, but what it means to be American? You should of course analyze the author's agenda, as always, but make sure you connect it to WHY questions. Remember, your argument can only be answered using the document you are analyzing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ballot or the Bullet
[Name of the Student]
[Name of the Institution]
[Date of Submission]
Ballot or the Bullet
This essay critically reflects upon the seminal speech of opinions and expressions known as the ‘The Ballot or the Bullet’ based on period of 1963 to 1964. It was delivered by Malcolm X who was a human rights activist. The speech was delivered in Cleveland in 1964. In his speech, Malcolm was in dialogue with the Blacks/Negros/African Americans advising them to exercise their right to vote judiciously. He also warned that African Americans may consider weapons if the government stops them in acquiring complete equality. It was due to this reason the title of the speech used the terms, like the bullet or the ballot. The ballot is referred to as the system of secret voting over a specific issue. ‘The speech crucially highlights significant relations what is happening presently (1964) and how history reconstruction is essentially required by sharing the opinions through the examples of ‘civil rights of blacks in America’, ‘the act of segregation by the American government’, ‘social degradation, economic exploitation, and political oppression of White Man over Black Man, and ‘The Dixiecrats in Washington D.C.’, and further proposing solutions for Blacks’.
The dissent was essential to be communicated as the Blacks were faced with one of the significant questions, whether they must pick bullet or the ballot. The differences were required to be realized and submerged and arrive at a solution which is in the best interest of Blacks. Blacks must be stopped from degradation, exploitation, and oppressing. Moreover, in the history of America, one of the most explosive years is 1964, as the white politicians will be tricking and giving false hopes to Blacks (Malcolm, 1965). Therefore, they need to wake up and be mature politically. Since despite vot...
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