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Iago and His Deceptions on William Shakespeare's Othello

Essay Instructions:

Choose one of the following topics and write a well-developed essay of about 500 words. Be sure to include sufficient details and proofread carefully. Follow the format for the standard essay with an introduction, thesis statement, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion. Remember to include the title of the play (in italics) and the author’s name in the introductory paragraph. DO NOT use the title of the play for the title of your essay. Always title your essays to reflect what you are writing about. DO NOT look up information on the internet for writing purposes.

Discuss appearance vs. reality in William Shakespeare’s Othello. There is an ongoing conflict between what characters seem to be initially and who they actually turn out to be at the play’s end. For example, trusty Iago, and Othello, the “noble Moor,” turn out to be quite the opposite. Even Desdemona, Othello’s faithful and constant wife, sometimes deceives others or herself.

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Iago and Deception in Othello
The theme of deception is developed throughout Othello as one traces Iago. Iago is the mastermind behind deceptions that results in death, mistrust, and manipulation. He deceives Roderigo to fight Cassio, thereby causing his death. The deception occurs at two levels, including deceiving Roderigo that he would seduce him, Desdemona. Iago manipulates Othello into believing that he is a perfect friend, advisor, and helper. Othello is also led to believe the lies and forsakes his ability to think. Further, Iago's deception drives the plot as several characters are entangled in his deceptions. The theme of deception is well developed and comprehensively created through the character Iago.
Iago is the master of illusion and trickery who deceives others into praising him. Othello has developed high confidence in Iago and praises him with lavish phrases like “ I know thou'rt full of love and honesty, / And weigh'st thy words before thou givest them breath, / Therefore these stops of thine fright me the more" (3.3.6). Notably, the statement communicates the depth of trust Othello has in Iago. He perceives Iago as an honest and loving person. Moreover, Iago is depicted as a knowledgeable, intelligent, and wise person when Othello states that Iago weighs, or considers, his words before speaking. Besides, Othello appears to rely on Iago for advice. Iago has become his second brain. Iago is aware that Othello relies on him and trusts him for advice. He takes advantage of this relationship and exercises his power by manipulating Othello. For instance, Iago tells Othello,” God buy you; take mine office. O wretched fool, / That livest to make thine honesty a vice!" (3.3.17). The statement is a threat that he will leave the office and calls Othello a fool. Therefore, Iago presents himself as the panacea of Othello’s challenges and his thinker, yet, he is deceptive, as will be noted in the following analysis.
Iago is the epitome of a deceiver. He uses nearly all characters in the play and makes this evident at the beginning of the play when he tells Roderigo that he dislike...
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