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Critical Thinking Prompt: Friends, Immigration, and Family Orientation

Essay Instructions:


TASK 1: Under Assignment you can find 'VIDEO QUIZ' called 'Video Quiz: Answer the Quiz: The Study of Interpersonal Communication Part I' watch the video and react to the video(above 100 words) only to watch the video please don't finish the quiz. and return it in a separate document NO CITATION NEEDED JUST YOUR OWN WORDS(I have attach a screenshot of what the video should look like please don't react to a different video)

Example reactions(by my classmate): This video is very inspiring. Culture plays a significant role in intercultural communications, it also affects individuals' understanding of the self. More individualistic cultures actually capitalize the self "I", which focus on the assertive and direct conversation to express personal opinions. In more collectivist cultures, people emphasize the importance of the harmony of the groups, thus they avoid assertive words and cognitive conflict to protect the group members. However, there is no extreme collectivism or individualism. It just has various degree in different cultures. Indeed, culture influences one's verbal and non-verbal communication. In Chinese, there are many expressions for relatives' names, which potentially affects individuals to think about the relationship with different relatives. In English, there is only one expression of the first person singular subject "I". Cultures with high collectivism tend to emphasize social status and hierarchy, while in more individualistic cultures, people tend to value human equality.


TASK 2: Finish the Critical Thinking Prompt from 8.1-8.6 including the last Summary part (there are total of 8 Critical Thinking Prompts need to be complete, FOR SOME CRITICAL THINKING QUESTION YOU CANT CHECK THE NEXT QUESTION WITHOUT SUBMITTING IT, FOR THOSE QUESTION YOU CAN CHECK THE PICTURE I UPLOADED. i will attach pictures so you can find them all) NO CITATION NEEDED JUST YOUR OWN WORDS. (!!!please return the document with the Critical Thinking Prompt title first and then the answer so i can locate them!!!)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assignment Quiz
[Date] Video Reaction
The presence of intercultural communication in the video provides us with the differences in language and communication styles. While there is an emphasis on individual recognition for some communication styles, others would look at the collective picture. Thus, we can see that communication styles can be individualistic or collectivist in how they address matters. Some countries that emphasize the individualistic approach tend to be more progressive and efficient in individually done tasks. On the other hand, collectivist countries would do tasks together or including other members in action. This difference in approach can say a lot about their communication style. It is either they prefer a specific approach or a general approach.
Critical Thinking Prompt: Friends
My circle of friends is diverse in religious and cultural aspects. Although we come from the same nationality, some of us hold cultural roots and religious beliefs. Two of my friends are Muslims, while the rest of us are Catholics. My two Muslim friends have their cultural beliefs strictly followed.
Critical Thinking Prompt: Immigrants
Rejecting the home culture is unnecessary when going to a different place with a different culture. You could use your home culture to connect and reconcile the new culture that you will be embracing. The host country should comfortably welcome immigrants and their awkward adjustments in the country. The immigrants will eventually learn to practice both cultures without rejecting the other.
Critical Thinking Prompt: Family Orientation
Growing up, I was taught of a collectivist culture of family orientedness. I am raised to look at the family members as one and not individual persons. That means whatever we do or decide on, and the family should have a say about it. Nevertheless, we respect some in...
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