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Higher Education: Why Doesn’t It Answer Everything?

Essay Instructions:

Essay 3 In Class: Higher Education
Write a fully developed well organized essay on one of the topics below. Make sure you have a clear THESIS stated at the end of your introduction. Use at least two of the articles you read for this unit to develop and prove your points.  You must quote at least twice in your essay, showing that you have learned how to frame a quotation and use material you have read to develop your ideas and/or provide evidence.

Choose ONE of the topics below:
1)      Should young people go to college or not? (You could also discuss who should and who should not go to college.) Why?
2)   What are the problems with higher education in the US today? If you like, you could also or instead discuss that advantages or good things about higher education in the US today.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Higher Education: Why Doesn’t It Answer Everything?
Entering higher education is one of the most fruitful occurrences in a person’s life. Most people believe that it is the remedy or antidote to the false belief that not every individual is as smart as anyone else. Others think that higher education is the only answer to poverty. However, both of these notions are incorrect and problematic, proving that higher education is not the answer to everything.
Before World War II, many people could not enter college or even graduate from high school. Due to the onslaught and damage left by the war, only the privileged families can afford the expensive top schools, and only a few of the poor individuals, usually men, were able to obtain a scholarship. These circumstances led to the equation of the term “college graduate” to an individual who has shown an educational achievement CITATION Nic17 \l 13321 (Nichols).
Previously, a college degree might have indeed paid a role in success. However, at present, the situation became different. This is because the educational system did not prepare the students for what reality is really like. Mead provided seven main reasons why higher education is exceptionally problematic and an unreliable tactic to survive in this world.
Firstly, the school is not like the real world. Although the school's primary objective is to prepare students for the real world, the majority of them fail because, according to Mead, “Life in school is life in bureaucracy.” This means that any action's outcome is predetermined, and the outcome will be excellent as long as one follows the parameters. However, the real world is much more chaotic and far from the organization of the ideology of higher education CITATION Mea12 \l 13321 (Mead).
Secondly, the elders, although some of their pieces of advice are reasonable, do not always know what is best for you. Often, they think that enter...
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