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Blog Post: Top Secrets on How to Create an Outstanding Report

Essay Instructions:

Blog Post follow the instructions in "Everyone's An Author" on pg. 767-770. Length: 1,500-2,500 words

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Top Secrets on How to Create an Outstanding Report
What is a Report?
People can use a report for business, academic, technical, or other purposes. Even though reports serve a variety of purposes, they all have one goal: to provide accurate and credible information to their intended audience.
A report must be accurate and objective. The authors cannot express their opinions on a specific topic; instead, they must ensure that all information provided is correct. Moreover, since reports require formal writing, their tone and word use must be formal. In addition, the report is well-structured. The numbers, headings, and subheadings guide and inform the audience about the report's flow. Graphs, charts, and illustrations are also used to help the readers understand a piece of information. Thus, a report combines text and graphics, making it comprehensive and understandable for readers. Learning how to write a report that stands out from the crowd is critical regardless of the purpose. Read this blog and learn how to write a unique report.
The Basics of Report Writing
Here are the basics of report writing:
1 It is necessary, as they say, to begin with an end goal in mind. Therefore, a report must begin with a plan. Before starting the entire report, the author must plan. The author needs to consider the audience and their interest, as well as the purpose of the report. If the authors set goals before beginning the report, they will be able to complete it successfully because they will know what to do and will be guided by their plans.
2 The second step is collecting, sorting, and evaluating the data needed for the report. Several information sources are available, and an author needs to collect information from them. However, the author only needs some information; thus, the author needs to sort and evaluate them. An outline can help in organizing the author's thoughts. A task will be easy if it is planned.
Report Format
These are the parts that a report should contain:
1 Summary – A summary is essential for all texts, whether research, novel or even a report. It encapsulates the main points of a text. The purpose, analysis, results, and recommendations of the report must all be included in the summary. A summary's length depends on the length of the entire report. Thus, its length may vary from a paragraph or two to numerous pages. It is unimportant how long it is; what is essential is its content and ability to provide an overview of the entire report. A summary will be handy for people who have a hectic schedule and cannot find the opportunity to review a lengthy report. Therefore, it is essential to include a summary in a report since it serves as a roadmap.
2 Table of Contents – The table of contents can also be found at the start of a report. It entails all the report's content and divisions. Its primary purpose is to guide the readers on the specific information they want to locate quickly.
3 Definition of Terms –This part aims to provide definitions for the terms used in the report. Through this, the audience can better comprehend the report since there are no vague or unclear concepts. Take note that this section is optional.
4 Introduction – The introduction is the beginning of the report. It gives a synopsis of the topics to be discussed. Furthermore, like any writing, it states the report’s significance, implications, and purpose. The report's scope and limitations are also discussed.
5 Body – The body of the report is where the discussion is located. It also describes the problems, collected data, and the methodologies used. The body is usually thematically arranged. This structure will allow readers to follow the report's logical flow. In this part, graphs and tables may also be embedded to assist the audience in better comprehending the data.
6 Conclusion - The conclusions that authors can draw from the information provided in the body are presented in this section. This section also includes recommendations for further advancement.
7 Reference – This section contains a list of all the references used in the report. It is perfectly acceptable to cite the sources of the ideas in your report. Furthermore, the reference list will allow readers to locate specific works and authors they want to look up or for further research.
Writing a Report
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