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Farming and Accurate Data

Essay Instructions:

please read these attached reports and then write few sentences like a blurb on each report. it should give an insight on what these reports are about to attract the reader without giving away much details and making them think there is no point in reading these reports.

So its not exactly like a summary. its just to give a teaser or taste of what's in there. basically a blurb

Please make sure its catchy and has interesting and attractive words and phrases.

I have attached the reports that you need to use. please write the blurbs for each next to the report number as you can see before the file name. example 2,3 etc. so write the matching report's file number as in its file name and next to it write the blurb. if you choose to write the report's title instead of number then please make sure its not counted in the word limit.

**NOTE:No specific paper style or citation needed.

**IMPORTANT: However make sure you aren't copy pasting or plagiarizing please. Make sure NO GRAMMAR OR SPELLING MISTAKES OR AMATEUR WRITING STYLE IS USED.

please reach out and ask if you have questions. I won't have time for revisions on this so please make sure you clear everything as you go to save us both time and effort.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation
Did you know that equipping our farmers with accurate data on their various agricultural activities equips them with the skills to manage their input needs and improve their potential to earn more?
The more the farmers will adopt the digital credit scoring, the better the opportunities for agricultural companies that have embraced technology. The digital credit scoring will enable these individuals to access more resources that will improve their farming practices.
A creative farmer is the only way to secure Australia’s future. Creativity is an effective tool in many sectors and farming is not an exception. Therefore, enhancing farmer’s creativity through technology and other means will guarantee better productivity for the farmer and the country at large.
Allowing formers access to data through technology gives them the power to make right decisions regarding their farming practices. The data enables them to research about their products, compare information from different sources and make appropriate decisions.
The only way to guarantee sustainability in the highly dynamic agricultural sector is by embracing big data in small-scale agricultural processes. Big data provides appropriate information for farmers to share information and learn about proper farming practices. Therefore, embracing the technologies will boost the agricultural processes.
Embracing smart farming practices is the only sure way of progressing towards highly sophisticated agricultural initiatives. Smart farming exposes the farmers to vast information on tools appropriate for better farming practices. Therefore, farmers should be encouraged to adopt smart farming practices for better farming outcomes.
18: Scaling Up
Africa is ripe for disruptive agricultural technologies for maximization of its potential. The continent has the greatest potential in agriculture and availing appropriate tools will significantly boost its potential. Disruptive agricultural technologies present a perfect opportunity for the continent to achieve this goal.
18: Agricultural Technology Guide
Adopting technology in agriculture improves the farmer’s potential to manage their resources and seek for extension services more efficiently. Technology does not only provide information, but also allows farmers to communicate with each other and seek for help. Therefore, adoption of the technologies will be helpful to these individuals to help them reach out for assistance in their farming practices.
Using technology to make decisi...
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