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Discussion: Violation of Consitutional Norms

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is a discussion, it has 3 different questions to answer.

Please, answer each question, and at the end of each, put a work cited. Not more than one page. I will be attaching the instruction.

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Question 1
A recent event that involved a violation of our constitutional norms is when former President Trump interfered with investigations by the Department of Justice (Montgomery). Months into his presidency, Trump asked the then Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), James Comey, to stop investigations into Michael Flynn, the President’s former national security adviser. This information was given in testimony by Comey, but Trump denied it. Trump also criticized a case brought against his friend and informer political adviser, Roger Stone. He asked Donald McGahn, the White House counsel, to sack special counsel Robert Mueller III and then forced McGahn to lie about being asked to fire Mueller (Montgomery). Through his actions, Trump violated established constitutional norms by misusing his powers as President. This poses a grave threat as it sets a precedent for other Presidents not to respect the rule of law.
Work Cited
Montgomery, David. “The Abnormal Presidency.” Washington Post, 10 November 2020.
Question 2
As Ameri...
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