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Met Field Trip Assignment History Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Find the formal elements of that painting (lines, color, texture, spatial qualities, and composition). The second half of the paper should focus on the relations between that painting and my biographical experience (work, life, family, interests fashion, dreams, memories....)

I chose this one in the fish market, you can talk about childhood memories.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Fish Market Artwork
The previous week, I got a chance to visit the European Painting Galleries along with a couple of friends and cousins. Over there, I was amazed to see sculptures, paintings and other artworks belonging to the 13th century to 17th century, but the one painting that attracted me the most was of a fish market. Its medium was oil on Baltic oak, and the painting was probably created in 1568. It was present at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 639. At a glimpse, the painting looked odd to me, but when I saw it closely, I realized that it had a perfect color combination. Red, yellow and white colors were dominating brown, gray and blue shades in a better way. The spatial quality and composition were fabulous, so as the ways its different characters were displayed. For example, on the front side, I could see an old-man cutting the fish, who was probably a butcher with several customers surrounding him and waiting for their turn to buy the fish. On the back-side, some people could be seen carrying their baskets and utensils here and there. Everyo...
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