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Final exam. the Bill of Rights. History Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

This module contains your final examination essay questions. They need to be turned in to me by 11:59PM on Sunday, December 16th. All submissions must be answered in full and must include examples from the readings that have spanned the entire semester....when appropriate. This is a FINAL EXAM. Please answer the questions keeping this in mind. Short, incomplete, and brief answers will neither be accepted or given full credit.

Please keep in mind, as I stated back with the midterm, if answers are fully quoted from the textbook or are directly taken from internet sites I will not give them any credit. These need to be in your own words and based upon your own reading and analysis of the readings in the course.

There are 2 questions to consider as mini papers

Essay Sample Content Preview:
In the United States, the Bill of Rights refers to the first ten amendments in the constitution. The Bill of Rights came to existence after a heated debate over the approval of the constitution. The Anti-Federalists refused to support the constitution until the Bill of Rights was introduced. The Bill of Rights helped in fulfilling several functions to the people. For one, the Bill of Rights served as a guarantee to the rights and freedoms of the people of the United States of America. The government was also limited in courts and judiciary proceedings after the amendment of the Bill of Rights. However, this did not mean that the rights of the people would not be violated in any way. After the introduction of the Bill of Rights, there have been multiple instances where the rights of the citizens have been abused.
Question 1
The main aim of introducing the Bill of Rights was for everyone to feel protected. This, however, was not the case as some of the groups in the United States were left out. For example, the native Americans were not considered during the making of the constitution. This is because most people thought of them as unknown people in their land. American laws like everyone else did not govern these natives. Instead, there were federal treaties that did not even put across their rights. Before the natives were granted American citizenship, the Bill of Rights had been in force for over 135 years. Women.
On the other hand, were treated as second-class citizens. They were conceived to be their husband’s properties and could not even be allowed to vote. It was not until after the 19th Amendment was passed that they were able to practice their right to vote.
Even after the passing of the Bill of Rights, racial discrimination still took place. Instead of the slaves being able to practice their constitutional rights, they were governed by slave codes that had full control of their lives. It was impossible for them to fight for their rights. This means that they could not own any property or seek justice in the courts. They could be imprisoned and whipped without trial. This is to show that the courts had...
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