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How Contemporary Fashion Designers And Or Couture Houses Implement History Of Costume Into Their Collections

Essay Instructions:

In no less than 1,000 words, write a short over view on how contemporary fashion designers and or couture houses implement history of costume into their collections, particularly focusing on those periods we have covered so far in class.

Review the development of couture and the differences in the evolution of both the European and American apparel industries.

Consider the following:

How does history influence the differences between the European/American and more recently the Far Eastern approach of development and work in their respective apparel industries.

How and why would you develop historical design content as a marketing tool?

Could designers be equally creative without historical referencing?

How does history of fashion have any relevance in today’s global economy?

What would the differences be in design research and development without a relationship to the past? Give an example on how designers do this e.g. Galliano for Dior or other couturiers/design houses.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How Contemporary Fashion Designers And Or Couture Houses Implement History Of Costume Into Their Collections
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How Contemporary Fashion Designers And Or Couture Houses Implement History Of Costume Into Their Collections
Fashion Designing is an art of is the art of applying design, aesthetics and natural beauty to clothing and its accessories. This is often shaped by social and cultural attitudes during a specific period of time, and it varies from one moment in history to the other. Contemporary fashion designers or couture houses are those that design clothing which are accessible, in price and in terms of the way people wear it. The contemporary category often contains more modern-style clothes compared to the higher end luxury market. These designers usually are guided by history and historical events in creating their design, something which this paper seeks to interrogate, how they implement history of costume into their collections.
History as well as historical events has always influenced the fashion industry in terms of creation of designs and recreation of designs. Fashion trends have always been defined by history, in that, even though we may not be able to visibly see it in the present, we usually subconsciously look into the past for inspiration. Couture has gone through various developmental stages since its inception (Noonan et al, 2017). It goes way back to the 19th century; from dress making to tailoring the Parisian couture achieved a one-of-a-kind look for private clients. Today Haute Couture was and still is one of the most selling dressmaking and design ever to grace the universe. It incorporates the use of different fabrics such as silk, leather, cotton, furs and cashmere. It also incorporates the use of black and white which is a symbol of sophistication and dynamism. This form of designing is a modern look which mostly uses bright color in the made designs to fit the client. It is worthy to note, in couture, there are different styles of hem. Common hems fold up a cut edge, folds it up again, and then the designer sews it down. Today Haute Couture hold a fashion week across major cities in the world, an event that is used to showcase newest style. Multiple fashion weeks in cities such as New York,Paris,Palm Beach have been held since 2003 to promote Haute Couture. These fashion weeks have grown into big global events in the fashion world.
The American Apparel Industry has gone through tremendous changes within the last 300 years. It is worthy to note that in America, apparel manufacturing and trendsetting predated the European colonization of North America. English settlers and colonialists brought their fashions with them when they docked on American shores. They would continue to import manufactured textiles into the US for many decades. However, it is accurate to note that while in the US, many of these settlers also adapted the Native Americans ways of dressings and most specifically adapted the clothing such as the Native American dress, for example moccasins, deerskins as well as leather leggings. This would later lead to the emergence of domestic textile industry.
Southern slaves who worked on the cotton farms in the South were very instrumental to this development as they were used to sew linen shirts as well as cultivation of cotton. On the other hand, the Northern White women made garments for their families and their communities. This was the first step to development of American apparel industry. It was a sign of the huge potential that awaited the industry in years to come. This domestic industry rapidly expanded his domestic industry rapidly expanded before and during the Revolutionary ...
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