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Holocaust and Genocide. History Research Paper Essay

Essay Instructions:

There is 7 question that need short responses to each. (all within the word count)

does not have to be double spaced

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Holocaust and Genocide
Question 1:
Edmund Burke, British Statesman,orator, and political thinker of the 18th century is attributed to have said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Based on the readings, and links in this module, describe the many forms of resistance the Jews developed to help resist and deter Nazi evil.
There were individual or group, visible and clandestine operations to help Jews including rescue activities and escaping to safer areas. Others hid their fellow Jews and sought refuge in non Jewish homes. Armed Jewish struggle was increasingly common as were clandestine organizations to support armed uprisings and rebellions in the ghettos and outside prisons. The Jews were most successful working together to help each other, even when they had few weapons to protect themselves.
Question 2:
In what way does the survival of Primo Levi from the wretched experiences of the Holocaust, exemplify the success of Jewish resistance against the Nazis?
The survival of Primo Levi indicated that it was the duty of everyone to speak against injustice and he was not afraid to document the horrors of Auschwitz. As a holocaust survivor, he documented about the prisoners and he is just one of many who sought to help the Jews as they did not accept being oppressed and even after his capture after joining the Justice and Freedom movement, and he still resisted the Nazis while in a concentration camp. Levi and others united to help strangers were in dagger like themselves.
Question 3:
The non-Jews who labored at great personal risk to their safety to save Jews became known as the "Righteous Gentiles." Select three of their stories from the many sources in this module. What interested you about their experiences? Discuss how their participation made a difference in the lives of the people they helped. (Select different types of experiences) Why did some risk their lives to save the Jews, while others remained bystanders and were reluctant to participate?
The Righteous Gentiles helped Jews and Stefan Pokrupek hid Jews in his house and worked closely together with others to find shelter for the Jews .Wladyslaw Bartoszewski founded the Polish resistance movement and helped save Jews from the Warsaw ghetto by providing false documents and working together with Catholics. Paul Grueninge who was a Chief of police in Switzerland allowed many Jewish refugees to cross to Switzerland even after the Swiss limited the number of those entering the country. Despite the Swiss closing the border Grueninge defied orders and let many fleeing Jews into the country, but many people were unbothered by the plight of the Jews and did nothing.
Question 4:
Select (5) of the following individuals. In brief paragraph, show how the courage and tenacity of these righteous people helped to subvert efforts by the Nazis to win the psychological battle of demoralizing the Jews. In framing your answer, consider the fo...
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