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Final Exam Questions Greek’s Art and Architecture

Essay Instructions:

The essay is base on the art history class. And each question(in the document) should write one page, and for the "1.Of all the art and architecture studied this quarter, which culture produced the most effective works? Explain why in a few sentences. (I prefer Greek’s art and architecture)." this question has only write half page. You should follow the powerpoint to answer and write the question.

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Final Exam Questions
Greek’s Art and Architecture
The art and architecture of the ancient Greeks mirror the society that created them to depict the principles of their culture. Their culture, arкte, is a guiding principle that means excellence in reaching one's full potential. Greek’s art and architecture produced the most effective works because it was perceived as an illustration of the importance of human beings as well as their accomplishments, although most of these works were meant to honor the gods created in human images.
Moreover, much of the artwork in Ancient Greek was sponsored by the government for public display. In this case, the works were taken as a tremendous source of pride for Greece and could be displayed in various parts of the city. The Greece conserved art and work as a revered way of life. They had set aside a high altitude land for Acropolis in the city-state reserved for palaces and temples. They would conduct festival, religious ceremonies, and political meetings on this acropolis.
Portraits of Emperors
Augustus as general is a portrait that was sculpted in Italy. An interpretation of the breastplate in the portrait promoted its political agenda by demonstrating the return of Crassus’s standard to an armored Roman when Augustus had been deterred from war by the Parthian military. The portrait related more to the Roman republic because the image indicated heroism of an emperor who is displayed in his army attire. Unlike the emperors before him who embraced divinity, Augustus did not wish to be taken as a god and urged a civilian aspect to be depicted in the image rather than a military portrait. However, due to the attributes he had earned, the sculpture depicted heroism and divine nature by doing it barefoot.
The other portrait is Vespasian, the commander in the ancient Rome. His portrait demonstrated the second highest ranked officer mentioned in the narrations of public humiliation and executions. It reflects the interest in ancient Greece in that the portrait was made of marble that would allow altering in the future. This was done to the portraits of the emperors who were no longer important or had failed the people. This is the reason why his face is altered, and the nose is cut off after staying in the depot of the Sculptor’s Workshop for a few years before alterations.
A portrait bust of a Patrician elder is a portrait of the ancient Rome that was used to honor the powerful aged elders. It reflects the interests of the people by bringing out verism in the difference between the Greeks and the Romans reverie to the heroes. Romans believed that it was enough for a head to suffice as a portrait while the Greeks believed the whole body was the best way of displaying an emperor. It relates more to the people's ideas rather than the Roman republic. These ideals include honoring the elders and a reminder that a person’s public image played a big role in their history.
The Dark Ages
The middle ages period began with the falling of the Western Roman Empire and ended with the Eastern Roman Empire. The age was called Dark Age because there were no records and Latin writings outside the Chu...
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