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Art and Architecture: Portrait

Essay Instructions:

See the instructor from the document. Each question(in the document) should have one page and for the "1.Of all the art and architecture studied this quarter, which culture produced the most effective works? Explain why in a few sentences" has only half page. All related artworks should from the document that I provide (powerpoint).

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Final exam essay
Rome expanded its borders northward and southward into Africa. The administration of the republic did not manage to cope thus leading into the first emperor named Augustus. Augustus later changed his name to Caius Julius during the formation of the second triumvirate. Civil war broke in the republic where Augustus defeated Caesareans who had an objective of dividing Roman territories into three parts. Augustus developed much power which he radically used to reorganize Roman state with administrative reforms which initiated the golden age to represent a long period of peace. Augustus was involved in the construction of monuments and architectural complexes as a sign of legacy. Study of ideal-real portraits suggests that most choices like nudity were an unusual choice within the tradition of Roman and Greek.
Portrait of Vespasian is among the major portraits used by the ancient Roman emperor to reach the subjects and define the public image. Emperors had different ways of representing themselves. In battles, emperors wore the battle dress of general as indicated by the statutes. Roman emperors used nude statutes to be likened to a god and to gather honor. Portrait of Vespasian indicates the lined complexion of a battle-hardened emperor. Vespasian was a well-known emperor because of his advanced military skill. He boosted the treasury by raising taxes, which leads to complaints that it was below imperial dignity. Use of portrait and statute styles effectively evoked the emperor’s role as commander in chief and crucial embodiment of divine providence.
Portrait of Caracalla is a consummate example of arts as propaganda. Caracalla was a tough soldier. His strong assumption of the throne was heralded with statutes and portraits showing cropped hair and unfussy stubble beard, which marked a formal break with the last generation of portraiture. The potency of a powerful political art adapts in stature as its particular occasions fade to a modern viewer. Nudity in combination with a portrait headset apart from Hellenistic rulers represented a striking choice to viewers from both the Greek and Roman worlds.
Dark ages refer to the period between the beginning of the Italian Renaissance and the age of discovery. The word dark age was discovered by Petrarch, who used it as a label to indicate what had been perceived as a lack of quality of Latin literature during his time. There was the advancement during civilization of the Greek and Roman. It contributed to human progress, especially in areas of sciences, philosophy architecture and government. During this period feudalism was the political system used by both Romans and Greek. Feudal system application in labor did not cooperate with social mobility because poor people had fewer opportunities to improve their living condition. Religious superstition was common during this period whereby Catholic churches were institutionalized and regularly opposed scientific and cultural advancement pioneered by both Romans and Greeks.
During the middle young ages, the western part of middle Europe divided its...
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