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Exam: Different types of Quantitative Methods

Essay Instructions:

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100 words to each question

In a total of 1000 words

Final Examination

Quantitative Methods
Fall 2020
Using the textbook provided in the Blackboard course shell and other supplemental materials, please answer the following ten essay questions. There is no minimum or maximum length for your answers; however, the best answers use crisp business writing and are usually at least 100 words in length. Each short essay response is equally weighted and accounts for 10% of the total exam evaluation.

Brief Essay Questions

1. What is a Decision Tree and how can managers use decision tree analysis to make better decisions?

2. What is Linear Programming and what types of business decisions could be improved with linear programming techniques?

3. Briefly discuss Little's law (Little's flow equation) and how managers use this concept to evaluate waiting lines and queuing analysis.

4. What is a Time Series Model and how are these models used to help managers make better forecasting decisions?

5. Briefly discuss the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model and explain how this concept allows managers to make better inventory decisions.

6. What is Break-Even Analysis (BEQ) and how is the concept of BEQ used by managers?

7. What is a Z-score and how can a score be used by managers?

8. Compare and contrast descriptive and inferential statistics. What are three common types of descriptive statistics? What are two common types of inferential tests?

9. What is the regression analysis and how can managers use simple linear regression better predictions about future events?

10. Explain the 68-95-99.7 Rule for a Normal Distribution and explain how managers use t distribution to assist with understanding the business environment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Quantitative Methods Business Questions
Quantitative methods business questions
1 A decision tree is a tool that initiates a structured graphical approach for outlining outcomes and possibilities. Managers widely use the decision tree to analyze business components like cost management and project selection. The financial tool helps in choosing a desirable competitive alternative. Managers follow several critical steps in using the decision tree. Defining and specifying the problem area helps draft a suitable decision tree with all possible outcomes. Adding relevant data variables helps allocate payoffs to each possible development, thus figuring out the expected monetary value of every possibility. Simple data classification helps managers perform multiple decision-making processes.
2 Linear programming techniques solve business issues like maximizing profits and optimizing available resources by applying a mathematical methodology to facilitate rationalization in managerial and technological decisions. Managers apply linear programming techniques to analyze products using variables like market demand and manufacturing cost. Linear programming is widely applicable in marketing strategies, thus increasing demand through product promotion. The optimization tool efficiently helps managers determine the amount spent on advertising through various mediums. Pricing is critical in deciding sales; thus, the linear programming technique helps attract customers while making profits through proper pricing. The tool also guides investment decisions in stocks and bonds, thus formulates an effective risk-reward ratio.
3 Little's law is applicable in queuing systems by analyzing the speed at which products enter and leave a particular course (Potter et al., 2020). The theorem analyses the average waiting time and the average arrival rate per unit time, thus helping managers assess a particular queuing system's efficiency. Companies that sell products or services that require queuing can opt to analyze the need to create more space. The process entails measuring the number of customers entering the shop hourly and determining each client's average time. The littles law multiplies the two inputs to produce the average number of customers waiting in the line, thus making the critical decision of increasing accommodation or not.
4 A time series model uses data points to forecast trends in financial markets. Managers determine whether products are stationary, seasonal, or auto-correlated through the use of this business model. Timely patterns analysis entails tracking past data to facilitate desirable business metrics, thus widely applicable in stock market price and turnover forecasts. Managers use the regression method to predict future outcomes based on autoregressive dynamics, therefore useful in financial systems. The importance of regression analysis is the characterization and modeling of business operations. Using a time-series model helps managers make an informed decision on reliability, trend estimation, and measuring financial growth. For example, the analysis provides insights into the impacts of policy variables.
5 Economic order quantity models dictate the ideal order a company should buy to minimize inventory (Sebatjane & Adetunji 2019). Managers use the EOQ model in inventory management to reduce holding, ordering, and shortage costs. A practical model ensures a trade-off between inventory holding and all the associated inventory costs, thus an essential component in the inventory management process. Manage...
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