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Workplace Ethics Case Study

Essay Instructions:

Workplace Ethics


Workplace Ethics
This assignment will give you the opportunity to choose an article and then wnte about the ethical implications and the impact of the events that are described. Read and reflect on one of the following articles.
Oil Industry
Toy MakerWrite a paper in which you:
Analyze the following questions associated with your chosen artWhat ideals, effects, and consequences are at stake? o Have any moral rights been violated? o What would a Utilitarian recommend? o What would a Kantian recommend?
« Explain your rationale for each of your answers for your chosen article, with supporting evidence.IsHThis course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance'ànd'injpriina{|onyplai№ei refer lo the Strsÿer Standards link in №e left-hand menu of your course i Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
■ » Evaluate the ethical implications and impact of the events of selected business situations using predominant ethical Rough Draft Generator for Workplace Ethics Assignment (Optional)
Important Note: For grading on the assignment, you must submit your final draft in this; week
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'Click on the "Rough Draft Generator for Workplace Ethics" link to be taken to Ecree where you.can create a rough Using the Ecree tool, is completely optional

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Workplace Ethics
Student’s Name:
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Date of Submission:
Workplace Ethics
Oil Industry
Ideal, effects, and consequences at stake
Employees of the oil company are using dubious schemes to defraud the company and customers by stealing from them. The employees bolstered the inspection system and managed to cheat the city officials while using traditional means of heating oil. Therefore, they have been sued for scheme to defraud, enterprise corruption, falsifying business records, and grand larceny. Their intent of stealing was that it was legal.
The unethical practices led to the theft of more than $34 million worth of oil that was not delivered, and there is a likelihood that it is more widespread. Therefore, leading to the creation of a black market where fuel is stolen at the expense of the residents in the city. Drivers could carry guns to guard the cash in their possession, and they could manipulate cash payment records so that they could steal or misappropriate the cash they were carrying. For example, when the authorities executed the search warrant, they found $187,000 in cash on the desk of one of the co-principals of the company. That shows the cash embezzlement was coordinated by delivery men, drivers, and other employees; hence the company lost a lot of money.
Delivery men could pump air into fuel tanks at delivery points, especially at homes of customers. They could use magnets to disable meters that facilitate the flow of oil through hose pipes. The authorities say that as a result of the malpractice, customers could lose about 400 or 500 gallons of oil on every delivery.
Moral rights violated
Honesty and integrity 
Officials of the delivery companies could coordinate to keep records of stolen oils and manipulating cash payments records to steal cash received on delivery of oil. That is depicted when $ 187,000 was found on the desk of one of the company's co-principal.
Misconduct and cheating
That was violated by deliverymen when they altered the oil meters using magnets so that the hose pipe coul...
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