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Final Reflective Essays. Communication Philosophy Statement.

Essay Instructions:

There are two essays need to be done and 1000 words for each.

For the first essay, it requirs you to read my previous essays which i will upload soon.

After you have seen my essays, I think you will know a little bit about my writing style. I will appreciate it if you can try to imitate it as possible as you can.

MGG 303 Fall 2020
Final Reflective Essays
Date assigned: December 1, 2020
Date Due: Tuesday, December 15th, 12:00 noonTo: MGG 303 B6 and B1 StudentsFrom: Professor EmersonCC: Box Course DocumentsCongratulations on all your hard work in MGG 303 this semester. At longlast, the moment you’ve been waiting for . . . the Final Reflective Essaysassignment!Note that the Final Reflective Essays take the place of a final exam in what has been a highlyprojects-based course in Communication Literacy. For that reason, your final essays constitute10% of your final course grade.
Assignment Specs Essay 1: Cross-genre integrative essay (details below) Essay 2: Communication philosophy statement (details below) Length: 1000-1500 words each (3-4 pages) Format: essay-style with coherent, well-developed paragraphso Double-spacedo Remove added spaces between paragraphso Indent paragraphso Exception to format requirements: Essay 2 Option B (details below)2Writing Prompts:
Essay 1: Cross-genre integrative essayWhy is an understanding of genre vital to the success of any and all business communications?Use specific examples from your various writing projects to discuss ways that you adapt “genre”to meet the shifting needs of ‘audience’ and ‘purpose’. As part of your discussion, you mightconsider some (but not all!) of the following … How written and oral communication genres are inter-dependent How genres shift between open/closed, formal/informal, internal/external,single/vs multiple recipients, etc. Your most and least successful project of the semester, in terms of genre Which business communication genres are the most important for you to masterbefore entering the professional world?
Essay 2: Communication philosophy statement
Scenario: Congratulations on being selected as one of the final candidates for ChiefCommunications Officer for the international corporation of your dreams. At last, all those yearsof studying, internships, and on the job experience are about to pay off, big time! In the finalinterview, the CEO asks, “What core values should a Chief Communications Officer bring to thetable, and how do these values shape your approach to business communications? And we’d liketo hear some examples from your experience to illustrate your point.”*Format Option A: essay-style*Format Option B: interview style (invent a dialogue between you and your interviewer)(dialogue may be block-style: single-spaced with extra space between paragraphs)Please direct any questions/comments to the #FinalEssays channel in Slack

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Communication Philosophy Statement
Communication Philosophy Statement
A communication officer's position is critical for organizations, significantly the larger ones that influence large masses. This position's significance is highlighted by the task bestowed on it to create and uphold the brand of an institution in the eyes of the public. To maintain its essence in any institution, the Chief Communication Officer (CCO) office has to act as an intermediary between the company, the people, and the media. This is the reason why, as a chief communication officer, an individual has to have excellent communication skills, experience in various media strategies, and have exemplary public relations skills. With such skills, together with the strong persuasive ability, any company is likely to reap big from any Chief Executive Officer who obtains such qualities.
Values of Chief Communication Officer
Exemplary communication is the most outstanding value that a CCO can offer to a company. This value is vital, just as its name suggests, as it revolves around elements of communication. Exemplary communication skills go a long way in ensuring that ideas about the company's brand are communicated to shape the public perception about the brand by organization desires. With exemplary communication skills, communication about the brand will not only be presented as the organization desires, but the packaging of the information will also be presented in a manner that woes and attracts the public towards the brand.
This value is also essential in ensuring that the message or information about the brand or the organization is communicated without confusion in all media platforms in oral or written form. This is so as the value entails the perfect presentation of both verbal and written forms of communication. Finally, the exemplary communication skills will ensure that an ideal communication culture is established within the institution to cater to the cultural diversification of different members in the business institution. This communication culture will also be extended to the external environment, where the cultural diversification of the demographics will be considered in all the company's communications. As a result, the company is likely to minimize both the internal and external conflicts resulting from communication barriers and are unhealthy for the organization's growth.
Vast experience in media strategies and public relations is another critical element that the chief communication officer shall bring on board. An extensive background in media strategy goes a long way in helping the chief executive officers to maneuver easily in developing and disseminating relevant information within the required time, at a minimum, while still maintaining the effectiveness of the impact of the communication. Through the CCO's experiences, they get to know what type of media is relevant and what form should the communication be disseminated to reach the appropriate audience without any distortion and within the required period. For instance, the CCO can advise a business organization to use mainstream media for advertising a new product as it will reach the larger public. On the contrary, a CCO cannot prefer communication between employees to be done through mainstream media as it might spill out some of the confidential information to the public.
Experience in public relations is another value that comes with the Chief Communication Officer. With explicit knowledge of how public perception is shaped about various brands or organizations, the CCO is likely to increase its publicity by creating its positive image to the external stakeholders. This can only be achieved by incorporating public relations skills into exemplary communication, thus positively perceiving the company. Besides, through public relations skills, the CCO can also tidy up a company's untidy image by shaping the negative perception in the public domain. Finally, exemplary public relations skill is vital for any CCO as it aids in solving various resolution between the pubic and the company. In an area where there are conflicts, especially between the public and the company, the company might establish a relevant community social responsibility project that quenches rivalry between the two parties through the CCO.
From the discussion, it is evident that the CCO's values bring to the table go a long way in establishing proper business communication, especially between the public and the company. Values such as exemplary communication skills, knowledge about media strategies, and adequate public relations skills go a long way in improving an organization's success. This is achieved through appealing to more people, thus increasing t...
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