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Dealing with Workplace and Workmates Discomfort (Business & Marketing Essay)

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Dealing with Workplace and Workmates Discomfort
[date]My first work was as an administrative aide at a private preschool near my place. I could walk from my residing place to the preschool for 10 minutes or drive to the preschool in 3-4 minutes. That was how near my workplace to me. My workmates in the office and some teachers eventually knew about me living near the preschool. Honestly, it was very convenient to live near your workplace. You get to go back to your home when you left something, or you have personal business to deal with at home. However, this convenience became a burden at some point.
Some of my workmates started asking favors that required my space at home. For instance, there was a time when the parking space was full because of an event at school. One workmate asked if he could park at my place since it was near the school. At first, I was happy and willing to help in such situations because it was also a way for me to connect with them as their coworker. However, they became too comfortable asking for favors that they even pass me responsibilities just because I live near. One instance was when they asked me to come a little earlier at school to start preparing for the event of the students. They asked me to do that task, even if I was an office employee and not a faculty member because I lived near and could come earlier conveniently. I was willing to help if it was not too much and somehow unethical. Thei...
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