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Business & Marketing
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Amazon’s external environment: Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

According to this ppt I made, write a speech for me. Mainly about the external environment problems faced by Amazon analyzed through Amazon case PESTEL Analysis. Just write the speech, no need to polish the ppt for me. Don't do additional research, only use the information in the Harvard case I uploaded. What I wrote is basically on page 12 of the case.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Amazon’s external environment
Business do not operate in vacuum, they need a favorable environment to operate smoothly. However, there are external forces that may not be controlled by the business. Despite its success in the e-commerce sector, Amazon is one of America’s enterprises that have been affected by external factors that emanate from the political environment, the sociocultural and technological environments.
For the better part of 2018, Amazon was on the news all for the wrong reasons following President Donald Trump’s attack on the giant e-commerce company. The head of state claimed the company had not been paying enough taxes despite their success and mountainous profits. The president’s criticism saw the company’s share price decrease by 6%. Similarly, when the company wanted to open its second head...
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