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It Is Ethical For Employers To Access Potential Employee’S Social Media Profiles

Essay Instructions:

Debate research on It is ethical for a typical company to fully review the social media profiles of potential employees, include discussion on a requirement (or no requirement of sharing personal passwords as well).

Try to write as many main points as possible, because this is a group assignment and I am afraid that there will be repetitions with the group members. Just explain each one in general, and don’t need to be specific.

Our group’s view is it is ethical, don’t make a mistake

Essay Sample Content Preview:
It is ethical for employers to access potential employee’s social media profiles
That technology has infiltrated almost every aspect of human life is an understatement. Not only has it infiltrated individual human life, but also it has made it possible for people across the world to connect with one another. One such aspect is the rise in social media platforms that allow for individuals, groups and organizations to maintain their profiles on these platforms. Employers have also shifted the way they recruit and more often use these platforms as a reference point before hiring someone. This is done specifically to see the potential employee’s social life, their ideologies and overall representation to the public. However, this has raised a lot of questions in terns of the ethics and privacy issues revolving around the social life of an individual, which may not necessarily be a basis for hiring (Kaupins & Park, 2010). Notably, the viewing of these social media profiles have also helped companies recruit people whose values and moral standards align with their organization goals and values. Therefore, it is ethical for companies to review social media profiles of potential employees in order for them to make an informed decision.
The social media profiles help provide a holistic view of the potential employee beyond the academic qualifications and experience. Different people use social media differently but mostly it’s used for sharing ideas and even personal life issues with the public. Platforms such as Facebook allow individuals to post their photos and also share even their location with friends. Employers especially in the fashion and lifestyle industry will look at how the potential employee presents themselves in the public and their general sense of fashion. In the field of digital marketing, employers will look at the influence that an individual has on social media before they ...
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