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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
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Not all companies are viewed as equal. Candy industry.

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Not all companies are viewed as equal. Candy industry

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Candy industry
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Candy Industry
All the industries tend to have distinct kinds of services or products that offer customers a preference. This is okay because every individual has the right and the freedom to buy items of their choice. However, there is a problem in the culture of excess. Most people consume some products at a high rate, which is not healthy for a human being's health. High consumption of candy by children and adults equally has led to health problems.
All businesses worldwide are controlled by huge investments, which they cannot risk without some insurance cover. They are published to the marketplace when the item has already been studied, and the efficiency of results has been evaluated. Before sending any documents, they are indeed equipped for the government level, which is their benefit. The most influential companies worldwide are accountable because the customer relies on and trusts these goods; they do not assume that such products will not continue to be purchased by an individual facing diabetic or blood sugar issues. A lot of sugar and glucose can cause diabetics. I am sure these businesses hope that these individuals will keep buying more of these goods.
I will defend the consumers because I am among them, and if I had a business, I would equally ensure that I protect them since they are responsible for making my business a success. My aim would make a good impression on my consumers but not to be sources of the destruction of their wellbeing. These are hard to scrutinize issues since it is not the fault of the industry, but the governm...
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