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Women Should in Wartime be Exempted from Serving in Combat

Essay Instructions:

In a brief essay, state a claim and support it with evidence. Choose an issue in which you are genuinely interested and about which you already know something. You may want to interview a few experts and do some reading, but dont try to write a highly researched paper. Sample topics.
1. Student in laboratory courses should not be required to participate in the dissection of animals.
2. Washington D.C., should be granted statehood.
3. Women should, in wartime, be exempted from serving in combat.
4. The annual Miss America contest is an insult to women.
5. The government should not offer financial support to the arts.
6. The Chief fault of the curriculum in high school was . . .
7. No specific courses should be required in colleges or universities.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Women should in wartime be exempted from serving in combat
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
The viewpoint of women serving in ground combat during wartime has proven to be a contentious issue throughout decades of war. Since the 19th century, women have been serving in some form of the military formally; however, women had an informal position dating back to the American Revolution. Conventionally women have not been permitted in combat careers but recently these constraints have been rather lifted, making some combat occupations in most divisions of the military available to women. In spite of the lift, obstacles arise from women being in combat occupations, such as women’s physicality versus men’s, risk of sexual assault, and a history of unsuccessful gender-integration training. Nevertheless, due to the unfavorable impact on the military, soldiers, and society, women should be exempted from serving in combat (Owens).
There are sizeable physical variations between men and women that position women at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to ground combat. While the majority of jobs in the armed forces are open evenly to men and women, there are some to which women are not physically suited. The standards of physical fitness have been set to suit men, and women trying to reach them will strain themselves. Moreover, combat units participate in activities intended to suit men’s capabilities. The presence of women also results to double standards that have a severe impact on morale and performance. The testing and training requirements for women in military are often set at a lower standard because they lack the efficiency in strength capabilities than their counterpart’s posses. For instance, in order for a 22-year-old man to obtain a perfect score on the army ...
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