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Research and Make the Social Analysis of the film Room

Essay Instructions:

Hi, I am ordering for sociology class assignment. 
The essay should be about the movie 'Room' (http://www(dot)imdb(dot)com/title/tt3170832/).
I need an essay about that movie relates to sociology. 
This is due today 11:59. Although I have order 12 hours, but please send me before 11:30pm. Thank you.
And here is the prompt. 
Students will submit one written assignment (1500 words). The assignment will encourage students to reflect on one of the in-class documentaries/movies, and connect it to social theories (you will be able to choose one out of two possible assignments). The written assignment will be evaluated based on the correct application of social theories, examples, organization and grammar. Additional instructions and a grading rubric will be provided prior to the due date.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Social Analysis of the film “Room”
The movie “room”explores the life experience of a young boy and his mother who are held captive in a room of approximately ten by ten foot cube structure. Ma, Jacks mother, was captured seven years ago by the Old Nick who has kept them in the room which is usually a tool shed in his backyard. The room is under tight security with coded doors and Old Nick is the only one who knows the codes of the door. Jack and Ma depend on Old Nick for the supply of their basic needs such as food. However, whenever Old Nick comes into the room, Ma does not let Jack see Old Nick and instead he remains asleep in the wardrobe. The two are held in captive and Jack knows nothing about the world. They are only exposed to the sky through a small hole that allows light into the room. Ma tells Jack that the only real world to him is her and Old Nick. That Old Nick gests food supplies through magic from the television. However, Ma had tried to escape before Jack was born but she did not manage to escape. Ma thinks of what could happen to them if at all something happened to Old Nick as he is the only one who knows the codes of the door to the room. She figures out how to escape but this will not be easy as they have been confided in the room for the last seven years. It will be difficult for Jack to adjust to the real world and also for Ma to understand the outside world once again. Finally, the two manage to escape from the room and Ma joins her family members. Jack, on the other hand, is excited of the outside world but manages to make friends (Huggo, imdb.com).
When watching the movie, one becomes very emotional, especially when listening to the young Jack and the lack of understanding of what the world is all about. This gets us into the point of empathising with Jack and her mother under their captive condition. As viewers, we are prompted to feel them in their tragic encounters. This prompts an understanding of the psychology of fandom. Fandom is described as a subculture that is made up of fans who are empathetic and camaraderie with other actors in movies who share a common interest. In nature the fans are likely to pay attention to minor details of the people who they adore or who they associate with. This often becomes part of the social networks that people create through such strong attachment to the characters that they empathise with.
Usually empathy resides in the right sub marginal gyrus of the brain. When we interact with other human beings we observe their facial expressions, their tone of voice and body language to understand what they feel. We use ourselves to gauge what they feel through us getting into the same circumstances as human beings. One factor that makes it possible to empathise as human beings with our family members and friends is the fact that sometimes we are not given details about what they feel and how they feel. In the world of fiction, more often, we are given the details of the characters more than we really know about real people in our lives.
The challenge that we are exposed to is understanding what is real and what is not real. The fiction characters in movies are just a mere representation of what the real human beings are but they do not possess the actual identity in life. However, we cannot engage with them on touchable level as we always do with people that we know such as friends and family members. In the fiction world we extend our feelings to the actors based on their level of action and how well they portray themselves as characters who deserve empathy from us the viewers.
For a long time several people have argued that characters in the fiction world can be real because taken out of their universe (film, or book) they cannot stand up on their own. Therefore, in a way when the audience empathise with them it’s a representation of the real world happenings. However, other authors have taken this argument as invalid, as the film industry is growing; there is increased competition among the participants of the industry which has necessitated the need for more creativity in order to be more competitive. Other films will often use popular actors to star in their films. With such characters it possess the question to the audience as to how we are to empathise with them given the fact that we already know them. However, other theorists have argued that the understanding that the viewer gets ab...
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