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Incompatibility of David Humes Arguments Research

Essay Instructions:

Please use your own thought avoid the second source, thank you! i) The point of this assignment is for you to choose a position and justify your choice--you should not "sit on the fence." That means that you have to give reasons to support your view, and you have to try to anticipate how a critic would object to the position that you take and how you would respond to such criticism (which means giving more reasons). The assigned readings are often likely to be important here, so do not ignore them.(ii) Stick to the topic. Your essay should begin with a short introductory paragraph, which explains briefly and clearly what you intend to say and how you intend to support it. 'Briefly' means briefly. You do not need a whole page to do this. Avoid windy introductions. Limit your opening remarks to a few clear and succinct sentences which say what position you intend to take and how you intend to justify it. --No grand (and unsupported) generalizations about the history of thought, or humanity's "quest for knowledge" or "today's society" etc., please! Clarity, precision and conciseness are virtues here.(iii) Remember to explain the question! (iv) Read Vaughan and McIntosh, Writing Philosophy, Chapters 3-5. These chapters provide some useful tips for writing an argumentative essay. For help with grammar, punctuation, style and documentation, seeWritingPhilosophy, Chapters 7-9 and Appendix B.(v) Since your task is to present and justify your position, you should avoid secondary sources. I am interested in what you have to say about these topics, not what someone else thinks.(v) You should, however, discuss assigned readings where they are relevant, and you must cite the ones you discuss. Anything that you cite or quote should be clearly indicated as a citation or a quotation, and appropriate page-numbers should be provided. Your paper should include a proper bibliography, which identifies the author(s),editor(s), title, publisher and date of any source that you consult--even if everything is in the course reader--or the relevant and complete bibliographical information in the form of footnotes or endnotes. (There is no need to includeWriting Philosophy in your bibliography.) See Writing Philosophy, Chapter 7 and Appendix B for stylistic guidelines fordocumentation. You will be penalized for failing to cite properly

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Incompatibility of David Hume’s Arguments
David Hume explored the human action and what renders them to act the way they do. In his explorations, Hume came up with the free will and free action argument and the causal determinism as the main guidelines for human actions. Several scholars and philosophers have argued for and against Hume’s believes in an effort to explore and challenge his thinking of human nature. This study takes the approaches of incompatibility in challenging the ingenuity of Hume’s arguments on free will and causal determinism. The first argument is based on the fact that free will is guided by the ability to make a choice on what action to take, and also, to make a choice is based on the availability of genuine options which to choose from. This approach is called the consequence argument. The second argument is based on the fact that if determinism is true, then our actions do not occur in the right way and manner. Therefore, the truth of determinism could mean that we as human beings we don’t have control of over our actions and our actions do not originate from within our abilities. This argument is commonly known as the origination argument.
Firstly, Hume’s argument on free will is based on the fact that the spirit of care guides human beings free will actions. Take an example of Allison who is taking a free action of taking his dog for a walk. Allison thinks that its right to take the dog for a walk as it needs little exercises. However, the weather is too cold, but she decides to take the dog for a walk anyway. Thus, in Hume’s arguments, the reason why we care about free will is because it seems necessary to care about free action. Therefore, in essence, there is an interdependence, free action is as a result of free will. On the other hand, causal determinism is based on the principle that every action is necessitated by the antecedent occurrences and circumstances which are coupled together with the rules of nature. Determinism is connected with science and the way we understand the world through scientific exploration and the human ventures or human actions which tend to shape our environment. Therefore, from the previous example, Hume’s argument about human action and free will are all based on a matter of necessity. That is to say; necessity shapes the direction of the human free will which at the end necessitates the free action by the human beings.
The consequence argument is built on the fact that people have no control about the past, but the future is very open based on the actions that one takes. For instance, Booth Killed Lincoln in 1865, and Lincoln was assassinated by Booth in 1865. Obama can't change the fact that Booth killed Lincoln. The fact still stands even if we take the possibility of time travel. If this is possible, Obama can influence what the past became but has no powers to change the past. He cannot alter the fact that Booth killed Lincoln.
In essence, the possibility of time travel can only have a causal impact of what the past became but cannot change the past. The past is fixed and cannot be altered. However, the case is different with the future which seems to be very open and the subsequent actions determine what the future could hold. In this case, if Obama was to make a time travel machine that could take him to the past and prevent the assassination of Lincoln. However, given the fact that Lincoln was assassinated, there is nothing that Obama can do about it. Therefore his machine cannot help him, and it will be useless.
The difference between the past and the future is indicated by the fact that we cannot deliberate about the past in the same manner that we can deliberate about the future. Obama can lament about how inappropriate the past actions were and can come up with better suggestions of what could have been done by that time, and he can organize the future in a different way. However much he can question what past acts were done well he can also think of how future actions could be done well and what future actions he can take. This brings in the concept of the free will. The free will holds ground given the multiplicity of options that one has to choose from. In this case, Obama has several options on which to choose from in order to determine the future given the laws of natur...
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