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How has Globalization Affected Cities? Consider the Impact in Terms of Economic, Demographic, and Social Changes

Essay Instructions:

Answers should demonstrate depth of knowledge and understanding, not simply repeat back the course material, and be specific – answers that are vague will not score well. For each question, use as much space as required, but as a general guide please provide an answer of approximately one single-spaced page per question. You should use a diverse collection of supporting materials to support your answer, but be sure to cite in-text ALL material paraphrased or quoted and provide a Works Cited list at the end of the exam. Spelling and grammar will only be a factor in your grade if they are truly noteworthy (in a bad way). Good luck!
1. How has Globalization affected cities? Consider the impact in terms of economic, demographic, and social changes.
2. How do race and ethnicity affect urban politics? Provide examples of racial discrimination, cooperation, and competition, and whether it is still relevant in the modern era.
3. Discuss the tensions that exist between cities, between cities and states, and between the national government and states. Also, address what may affect the future opportunities and challenges in these relationships.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Urban Politics
How has Globalization affected cities? Consider the impact in terms of economic, demographic, and social changes.
The economic dimension to globalization has affected cities, since there is increasedeconomic integration and interdependency. However, the more educated people and those owning factors of production have benefited the most from globalization. The economies of countries and cities are complex more than ever before, and cities are centers of global trade (Paun 160). Even though, cities have thrived under globalization, there are workers from the developing countries who are exploited by their employers and are paid slave wages. There has also been a widening gap in the wealth, as those lacking marketable skills have migrated to cities with the hope of better economic opportunities, but they are stuck in lowly paid jobs.
Globalization has resulted in rapid urbanization with many people increasingly immigrating from rural areas into urban areas. This is particularly for the major cities that attract immigrants for diverse countries. Immigration has in turn changed the racial the ethnic makeup of many cities, which are more diverse. Even though, there are cases of guest workers working there are undocumented immigrants migrating to the western world especially in the U.S. cities that have long been melting pots of cultures now face challenges to cater to the needs of diverse people. There are risks of anti-immigrant rhetoric as backlash against immigration and globalization.
One of the challenges associated with globalization is the exclusion of social groups that have little effect on the global economy. Transationalization has been crucial to the growth of democratic ideals, but there has also been social unrest since the economic fortunes of the poor have deteriorated. Globalization has been associated with global capitalism, and this extends to the informal economy in cities (Paun 162). There have been ‘revolution in parts of Eastern Europe, and the growing prominence of social movement organizations in the society has allowed political actors to mobilize people, with changes in cultural trends.
How do race and ethnicity affect urban politics? Provide examples of racial discrimination, cooperation, and competition, and whether it is still relevant in the modern era.
The racial and ethnic make-up of a society influences political participation in urban areas, depending on the levels of poverty, office holding and minority representation. The racial and ethnic composition of different neighborhoods and states has influenced public policy making, and when minorities are poor they tend to be disenfranchised and not take party in mainstream political activities. Legislators and policy makers identify policies that affect their constituents and when minorities are not represented their input in the political process is suppressed. There is also uneven development of neighborhoods based on racial/ethnic differences, with concentrated poverty mainly in minority neighborhoods (Brahinsky 1262).
Racial discrimination in the U.S has mostly been associated the Jim Com laws that disenfranchised African Americans, but discrimination in housing, policing and job opportunities still affect minorities especially those living in poor neighborhoods. The stop and frisk searches in cities especially New York amoun...
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