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How the Mondragon Corporation is ran and how it defers from capitalism

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Read and write on how the Mondragon Corporation is ran and how it defers from capitalism.

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The Mondragon Corporation
Here is a need to have a proper organization structure that will provide a continuous improvement of an organization. Mondragon Corporation is a business corporation which is found in Spain with the aim to improve the business world all over the world. Capitalism is a business ownership benefit where the operations of the organization are solely governed by the owners of the organization. The ownership of goods in capitalism business system is private with the aim to benefit the business in the long run. The Mondragon Corporation provides a business connection all over the world and the ownership is not solely governed by the corporation. This makes it possible for people to achieve their goals of making profits from international trade through the involvement of the corporation. The Mondragon Corporation is able to come up with labor from all parts of the world. Capitalism provides the right to individuals to own economic resources which are used by business while Mondragon Corporation use open business operation where the resources are not solely controlled by the organization.Capitalism is a system which is for self interest while the Mondragon Corporation provides services for the benefit of the public and improves the living standards of people all over the world. The benefit from the business is not kept to the business as it is to provide progress to the community. Capitalism allows people to keep profits from sale of goods and services to themselves without any interference from the government.
The capitalism business system allows private ownership for economic resour...
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