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Application Essay: The Novel of Mary Shelle of 1818 Frankenstein

Essay Instructions:

I need an original Frankenstein Application Essay in MLA format with 3 credible sources in Works Cited It needs to be a min of 750 words. The thesis must be underlined. Directions are as follows: Application Essay on Frankenstein: Discovery Both Frankenstein and Walton are trying to discover something important to them. What parts of their real lives drive them to discovery? Does that drive still exist today? While we’ve mapped the globe, are there still geographical places for people to explore? In science, are people still trying to discover the meaning of life, how to save life, and how to defeat death? What methods do they use? Are there better ways to accomplish these goals than others? What are some of today’s motivations for discovery? Hint: Develop a thesis that answers a question like this one: “How and how well does Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein address human discovery as a theme?"

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Frankenstein Application Essay
In the novel of Mary Shelle of 1818 Frankenstein, the author introduces to the audience the first character by the name Captain Robert Walton and later another character by the name Victor Frankenstein. Both of them were driven by the desires they had in the life of which they were explorers with the intentions of making new discoveries in life. Walton, who was the captain of the ship together with the crew, are headed to the North Pole. Walton in life has prompted the spirit he had of achieving the set goals regardless of the barriers, for instance, he didn’t give up even when he got trapped in ice.They had the passion in what they were doing in order for the success to be realized. For example, despite the fact that Victor, who was a friend to Walton, was tired and weak, he didn’t give up chasing the creature. Another crucial contributory factor was the loneliness of the two men who were motivated only to do what they wanted to because they were lonely men. When the two met, they established a strong relationship which was to a profound extent driven by their common goals in life. The goals motivated them to carry out a suicidal mission without giving up. They were perceived to be consumed with a particular task. However, when the ice melted they took off the journey but later, Victor passed on .The pain consumed Robert to a great extent (Ruston:bl.uk/romantics-and-victorians/).
In the novel, the theme of human discovery is well demonstrated by developing the key motivating factors for innovation. Through the essay, the author showed how passionate the characters were. They worked hard disregarding the barricaded way they had to go through it hence, waited for the ice to melt for them to continue with their journey. The aspect of support by the friends also brought out the discovery theme well in the novel. When the two characters established their relationship drawing the background of achieving the common goals. It helped the author to present the theme of human discovery in the novel successfully. In the book, the idea of discovery is well addressed as compared to other subjects. Thus, it is the major theme in the story (Carolyn:bl.uk/romantics-and-victorians/articles).
When a comparison is drawn between the two people and the modern society pertaining the drives for discovery, similar drives still exist in the contemporary world. In the contemporary world, people are passionate, they therefore, work without being pressured to and urge to make a...
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