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The Appropriate Therapies for this Psychological Disorder

Essay Instructions:

2 page essay identifying " select the appropriate theripes for given case studies exemplifying a variety of psychological disorders. " and Differentiate among a variety of approaches to the study of personality and the theories developed within those approaches"

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Dissocial Personality Disorder Therapies
The Dissocial Personality Disorder also classified as ICD-10 is known to exhibit some traits of high negativity, impulsivity, low consciousness and emotional behaviors among individuals who present this type of psychological disorder (Crawford, Kakad, Rendel, Mansour, Crugel, Liu, & Barnes, pp 237). People who present this type of disorder are considered to have grown in parental conflicts; through harsh parenting that are associated with incidences of substance abuse and misuse, truancy and delinquency among family members. Individuals with the personality disorder are likely to face criminal convictions, encounter premature deaths and engage in reckless behaviors.
The Appropriate Therapies for this Psychological Disorder
As detailed, few individuals suffering from this type of disorder are observed to rarely seek for therapeutic interventions in the management of their conditions. However, those who seek these interventions resort to treatment in cases where they are inhibited by suicidal thoughts, marital discords and drug abuse cases (Crawford, et.al.pp.240). One of the effective therapeutic formulations that are currently used in the management of this disorder is the cognitive therapy. This therapeutic intervention was first developed for patients who suffer from depression and is currently being used in patients who present this disorder.
In this case, therapists develop treatment procedures that require the awareness of these individuals' emotions, attitudes, and incorporate the element of acceptance. On the other hand, therapists involve patients through a regular participation and attendance of programs aimed at changing their behaviors. The therapies are considered as a means of breaking the antisocial behaviors that result in deviant behaviors (Látalová, & Praško, pp.240). The primary goal of this therapeutic approach is to enable the patients to understand the manner in which they create problems and how distorted perceptions hinder them from viewing themselves as others see them.
Differences in the Study of Personalities and the Theories Developed
Personalities can be viewed as the dynamic organization of psychophysical systems within individuals that determine the manner in which they behave. The study of individuals personalities intrigues several approaches that seek to address the aspect of who an individual...
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