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Synthesis Paper Essay. Social Sciences Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

With the increased prevalence of advanced technologies, what issues must we understand in order to determine how race should be considered in relation to the internet and various technologies today and in the future? How will these understandings shape policies, laws, and/or how we view our relationship to race and technology?

In this paper, you will need to synthesize information from several sources in order to introduce your readers to the controversies surrounding race and technology, explain key issues in some depth, and suggest future actions that should be taken as a result.

As you read texts this quarter, you will be required to notice how texts relate to one another and what themes and relationships you see emerging. Throughout the quarter, take purposeful notes on the texts you read and consider how each text contributes to your knowledge of this topic.

Incorporate a minimum of FOUR sources in your paper (all four must be class texts).

Grading Criteria

1.Synthesis of Information


3.Source Integration

4.Citations (in-text & references)

5.Summary, paraphrase & partial/ direct quotations

READINGS (4 out of the 5 assigned readings are REQUIRED)

Reading #1: Noble, racial algorithms

Reading #2 Pham, cute culture/ cute work

Reading #3 Mell-Taylor, racism & video gaming

Reading #4 Roh, Niu & Huang, techno-orientalisms

Reading #5 StopLAPDSpying Coalition, predictive policing

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Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Synthesis Paper
Technology has played a significant role in influencing racial decisions in the current society. In recent times social media has been endorsed as the primary form of communication; many people have misused the media to discriminate against the minority race in the society racially. Though all people experience racial discrimination, anti-blackness and anti-Asianness have remained the most prevalent form of discrimination today. Though technology has been a significant boost to communication and has invaluable transformative power, modern technology has failed to root out old school racial inequalities and instead aggravate this problem by teaching complexion biasness and prejudice. Several invasive and discriminative internet technologies have evolved that incriminate people regarding their skin color, complexion, hair color and texture, height, and other physical appearance issues. Technology has been both positive and negative to social cohesion and stability. The anti-black and anti-Asianness matters have led to social instability and the emergence of activism for equality due to the conflicts between people with different skin complexion and physical appearance, as the essay expounds.
The difference in complexion does not reflect the difference in the Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Discrimination on the color basis among other physical appearances has been around for hundreds of years. With the advancement in technology and enlightenment of the societies, it could be assumed that these minor issues could perpetually decline. However, online racial hatred has become evident in the heart of internet usage as manifested in social platforms such as multiplayer video game consoles, online chat rooms, and online message boards flooded with harassment, racial intolerance, and hateful language. The modern internet and technological environment indirectly form a basis of race and identity inequalities as dictated by various online platforms and applications used in daily life. Specialized invasive modern technology such as Artificial Intelligence and algorithms are used to establish different people's ethnicity (Noble & Safiya 13). Prejudice is done through facial recognition, mass surveillance, or name identification based on racial discrimination at various social and economic levels of life.
Advancement in technology, especially information and technology, has seen the rise social site that offers people various choices like race, sex orientation, complexion, and religious affiliations, among other features. The approach though not intending to anti-black and anti-Asianness discriminate against people forms a basis of prejudice. There are various mechanisms established by the authorities to curb discrimination among people. In the US, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) uses specialized technology applications that use statistical models to predict crime patterns all over Los Angeles as dictated by historic crime patterns. The data used to establish the criminal activities is obtained from the police and calls made to police to report a crime (Stop, L. A. P. D. "Spying Coalition 16). It is a predictive program; LASER and PredPol have been established to be overly biased since they massively depend upon the human component, which tends to be excessively biased. The ultimately leads to the incrimination of wrong people due to reliance on data that is often collected intentionally based on anti-black and anti-Asianness stereotypes and prejudice. It is historically established to depict some communities to be criminals.
Anti-black and anti-Asianness is a concept that has entered the society in a way that most of the people in the major racial group do not consider the minority as rightful citizens. The use of predictive and surveillance technology forms a basis of anti-black and anti-Asianness and completely fails to address society's real problem. Policymakers should ensure that all predictive and surveillance programs are not based on complexion, hair texture, or body shape and subordination and instead focus on using technology to enhance neutral policing strategies that serve all people equally. All surveillance and predictive technologies should be made known to society, and their functionality should be disclosed to avoid bias. Families and cultures that have been unfairly targeted and affected by this kind of technology should be compensated accordingly. Inequality has been a significant concern for many people in the...
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