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Is right-wing Populism declining? Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

In your paper, respond to the following prompt, using 1 paragraph for each portion as needed. With 5 paragraphs, and an average of 150 words in each paragraph, this means your essay should be approximately 750-1000 words. In each paragraph, there should be at least one concrete reference to a point made in the book, lecture, or your own current events reading (just put the reference in parentheses following the sentence and identify the source as fully as possible):

1) Describe: what is this a case of? What are the relevant facts and are they reliable or controversial? (3 pts: 1 pt for describing the case, 1 pt for including the relevant facts, and 1 point for the description of reliability)

2) Analyze the main arguments made by the article about why it is a challenge for world order and the possible sources of the problem. (3 pts: 1 pt for identifying the main arguments and 2 pts for the explanation)

3) Evaluate this argument:

--which ideologies are driving the debate (1 pt)

--evaluate the logic and evidence to analyze the situation (2 pts: 1 pt for evaluating the logic and 1 pt for evaluating the evidence )

--does the ideology work for this problem? Explain (3 pts: 1 point for stating if yes/no, and 2 points for explanation)

4) Compare at least one alternative ideology we could apply from Conservatism, neo-liberalism, fascism, Nationalism, Marxism, religious fundamentalism

--summarize the ideology (1 pt)

--discuss the logic and evidence for how this different approach might yield a different result or solution (4 pts: 2 points for discussing the logic and 2 points for discussing the evidence)

5) Discuss the implications of your choice for world order, in more general terms or for “this type of conflict” in other places. What does your “best choice” ideology mean for how we would repair or replace the current world order? (3 pts: 1 pt for what does it mean, 1 pt for relation to other issues, 1 pt for what to do)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Decline of Right-Wing Populism
The decline of right-wing populism is a political case wherein most countries are turning away from the populist ideologies led by right-wing leaders. In populism, leaders would claim to represent people and be their voices. This concept identifies the people as the sovereign and encourages the distinction between the people and the elite (Mudde). Right-wing leaders would use this concept alongside their ideologies as an attempt to gain the people's trust. One of the most famous right-wing populist leaders would be Donald Trump, who is an anti-immigrant (Greven). His loss in the recent election is a sign of the declining right-wing populism. Also, the economic damages that the pandemic has brought all over the world reveal several failures in the system, making people demand a better government and system. Thus, they turn to the other side the political leaders in the hopes that there will be changes in the country in the coming years.
One of the arguments that the article says challenges the world order is that changes in the system may marginalize another minority in society (Article Citation). When we idealize a change, we often picture the end-goal of the process and forget what everyone has to go through before achieving it. As a result, some minorities receive the aftermaths or carry the burden of the change. Some minorities don't afford to go with the flow of the political and economic transition because they would rather focus on themselves. The situation of these minorities would often force them to rely on short-term solutions rather than long ones. The article also argues that economic and social changes would not affect those in the middle to upper social status (Article Citation). Especially amid a pandemic, the upper classes would experience little to no effect in the economic disruption. If anything, they would proceed at the disposal of the lower social and economic status. It means that the division between the elite and the people would be more visible because the efforts to survive through the pandemic is different for each social status.
The ideology at play in the article is liberalism. The article expounds on the several reasons for the decline of right-wing populism, like the win of leaders such as Biden in America and Ardern in New Zealand (Article Citation). It welcomes the idea of change in the political system in different parts of the world, especially in time of the pandemic. However, despite making the decline of populism more eviden...
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