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How does Race affect to International relation? Social Sciences Essay

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one of the key authors examined in the reading list.

This essay must included a clear point of view and critical the comments that are related to " How does the current Political Race affect to international relation.?"

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How Does the Current Political Race Affect To International Relations?
Background Information
International relations are attempts to explain behavior that occurs across the boundaries of a state. This study is part of political science and covers politics, economics, and law studies of other nations globally. As part of interactions with other countries, a glaring difference usually comes up, race. In this century, for many, race is something we barely notice. The world has become a global village with people from all cultures interact. However, for centuries one race identified itself as superior and set out to subjugate the rest. A student of International Relations is expected to know the political history and governance of other countries, including the impact of race. Race is a part of international relations studies and should be studied. Race is a factor in how people perceive, interact with each other. This paper will analyze the influence and role of race in American politics and the study of International Relations (IR).
Politics defines a country's policy. How a country is run and how it interacts with other countries depends on its political stand. Furthermore, the reigning political regime will determine how a country will interact with others. Politics and race go hand in hand. Racial difference defines how the leader of a country will interact with another. Race has been a part of politics and international relations, though very little has been written or researched on the relationship between race, politics, and international relations.
Racial background
European imperialism and the need to conquer the earth were based on the belief that the Europeans are superior to other races and sought to conquer them. When talking about race, there are different meanings attached to it. Race, for the most social part, denotes a person's ethnicity. Therefore, racism is the ascription of assumed superiority to members of physically identifiable groups solely based on their biological inherent differences (Tilden 78). Racism is a social concept. It is a recent concept that was crafted in Europe. The Europeans to define themselves as superior created racism and used it to dominate other people deemed inferior. There was no concept of racism in other societies until the white man introduced it to the global south. This train of thought originated in Europe in the 18th and 19th century Europeans and served to justify domestic and international racism.
The idea of the white man's superiority was propagated in Europe and used as a tool to colonize other races in Africa and Asia. Despite there being no scientific evidence of the Europeans' superiority, this belief of being better was used as a tool to conquer the world. Europeans used Christianity and an excuse for bringing civilizations to grab land and propagate racism. Scholars and practitioners of IR must take seriously the colonial histories that were constitutive of the formation of modern states (Gurmunder, Yolande, and Randolph ). These racist thoughts were the foundation of racism in international relations. The ideology that the non-European man was inferior was so ingrained in the united states that the black man, after gaining freedom from slavery, had to be still separated from the white man.
It should be noted that the Europeans, while colonizing Africa, introduced the concept of superior tribes among the ethnicities of Africa. The colonialists left most of their colonized nations with hardlines views of superiority between tribes similar to racism. It was under the benevolent eye of the League of Nations that Belgium hardened Hutu and Tutsi into racialized identities using the force of law to institutionalize an official system of discrimination between them (Mamdani).
 Open racism has been replaced with globalism, and the idea of a dominant white power still in place in economic and political interference, especially in less developed economies. Rather than acting decidedly, the African Union cowered to pressures from the west and voted for the UN Security Council resolution 1973, which authorized military action in Libya (Kwame). This is a form of neo-colonialism. In the modern world, racism is defined in democratic and non-democratic nations, powerful and non-powerful nations, and further by the West and Global south. The former colonizers are applying the same principle of being superior.
Realism and liberalism were built on eurocentrism that is still visible in the form of the world's great powers. Most of these great powers are European white states. In terms of International relations, the key terms used in the study are defined in the theories of eurocentrism, which is based on racism. These powerful countries use the guise of democracy to invade less democratic countries, nonwhite countries in the name of democracy. Unfortunately, there is very little knowledge shared by scholars when it comes to international relations and racism.
The study of racism in International Relations has been ignored and whitewashed for a while. There is little or no mention of how discrimination was developed and how it defined the current political borders. The study of race in IR has been ignored despite race being one of IR's critical issues. IR reticence towards race is troubling, particularly for those instructors trying to introduce the concept in classrooms. (Theodore) International relations have not delved much into racisms, and the study of other nations is mainly because the subject was established in Britain. Global IR is attempting to encourage the participation of the rest of the world to contribute to IR. The earliest scholars in international relations studies to resist white supremacy were black scholars working from Howard University. Mainstream IR theory, however, did not evolve its position on race (Helleborine and Meredith n.p). The fact that for years IR scholars just ignored racism is of concern.
Discussions on racism and politics should be dissected from their roots in European imperialism, slavery, and racial discrimination to the current globalization. Without understanding the origins of racism in international relations and politics, what is international studies' relevance? Global IR identifies that besides the European and American experiences in politics, other nations have a history and a lesson. The fact that IR was developed in Europe and strengthened in America should not block different cultures. IR relates to studying the relationships of states, and the global south should be included too.
Race has influenced how nations interact with each other. This could be because nations' concept was created due to European imperialism and its drive to conquer the global south. Many non-European countries that gained independence after the second world war adopted the European ideas and institutions from their colonial masters. Meanwhile, America sought to gain power internationally through multilateral institutions such as the international monetary fund and the united nations (Amitav n.p). Using such influences, the west has applied sanctions on non-west countries in the name of upholding democracy and fighting terrorism. The American style of influencing international political matters. In institutions like the ICC, it takes a short time to indict African leaders, but when Israel is accused of similar crimes, the ICC investigations took three years under Condoleezza Rice counseling against action (Tor). The acts of racism have been experienced during the cold war and the United States' sanct...
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