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Social Sciences
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Sociological Imagination Journal. Social Sciences Essay.

Essay Instructions:

Students are required to submit one “Sociological Imagination Journal” writing assignment. These journal entries are intended to help students deepen their understanding of the concepts and theories we are discussing in class, while also refining their sociological imaginations outside of class.

In the journal entry, students should apply one of the concepts/theories we have discussed in class to an observation they make outside of class.

For example, if we are discussing social norms, students might wish to comment on a situation in which someone breached these norms. A good response would answer the following questions: What is a social norm? What social norm was breached in the situation you observed? How did you know it had been breached? What happened next? How did others respond? How did your sociological imagination help you understand parts of the situation you may not have noticed before?

These entries should be the equivalent of 2 typed pages (double-spaced, 12-point font).

Although they are called "journal entries" they should be written in the style of a formal essay --- this means they should:

provide examples to support the arguments made;

cite sources appropriately;

and be carefully proofread.

If you have any questions about these expectations, please let me know

Topic we discussed:






It's Intro Sociology Class, Thank You!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Sociological Imagination Journal
The Race Ethnicity chapter points out a lot of details regarding discrimination. Foreigners tend to face discrimination and stereotyping due to their cultural or religious beliefs. Discrimination is a situation where an individual is denied opportunities due to their ethnic origin. Stereotyping involves cases where people from a particular ethnicity or culture are associated with a particular behavior. Regardless of where discrimination occurs, the involved party might feel unwanted, affecting their normal daily life. In this journal, I will explain a case where a certain company discriminates against people of color. They believe that it is the organization's culture not to employ African Americans. However, the company has been changing its policies and has been employing people of color.
The African Americans working in that company often complain of an inconducive work environment (Assari and Moghani Lankarani ). This kind of environment is created by the discrimination and stereotyping they get from the rest of the employees. For instance, it is stereotyped that African Americans tend to steal. Therefore, these employees are rarely trusted by other workers. This a major contributor to an inconducive work environment since most of the employees are never comfortable using the company resources. In the case where something has been misplaced o lost in the company, they are the first individuals to be pointed the finger at.
However, some of the white employees do support the discrimination shown by their colleagues. As a result, they tend to talk to them to appreciate other people's cultures. Discrimination and stereotyping do affect not only African Americans but also affects all the employees. Workers need a conducive work environment for them to achieve or...
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