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Is Our Democracy's Sun Rising or Setting. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

This question is inspired by Our Common Purpose (https://www(dot)amacad(dot)org/ourcommonpurpose/report/section/2):

Founded nearly 250 years ago, the United States of America is the world’s oldest constitutional democracy. Its infancy, under the Articles of Confederation, was turbulent. Its early prospects, at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, were very much uncertain. At the Convention, Benjamin Franklin—catalyst of the Revolution, leading citizen of the republic, enslaver turned abolitionist—wondered as he observed the conflicts, compromises, and contradictions of the process: was the young nation’s sun rising or setting? With the signing of the Constitution, he concluded, the sun was rising.

Today, the question of rise or fall is more pertinent than ever. In this age of globalization, centralized power, economic inequality, deep demographic shifts, political polarization, pandemics and climate change, and radical disruption in the media and information environments, we face these converging trends in a constitutional democracy that feels to many increasingly unresponsive, nonadaptive, and even antiquated.

Compose a 700-900 word essay in which you:

Consider the factors that suggest American democracy is changing for the worse, maybe dying. Support your claims with quotes or references to the sources listed below.

Consider the factors that suggest American democracy is changing for the better, maybe revitalizing. Support your claims with quotes or references to the sources listed below.

Weigh the evidence, and make a judgement (an inductive generalization) based on the evidence and your analysis.

After you have completed your first draft, use the rubric as a check list for editing your final draft.

Use MLA format for Works Cited page. Need help with that? OWL MLA Format

REQUIRED SOURCES: [Assigned over the next two weeks]

- On dialectical threats to deliberative democracy: WWA, chpt.4, 5, 6, 9 & 12

- Threat of conspiracy theories: Frontline: United States of Conspiracy (https://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wgbh/frontline/film/united-states-of-conspiracy/) (55 min)

- Threat of conspiracy theories: NYT Rabbit Hole Episodes Seven (https://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2020/05/28/podcasts/rabbit-hole-qanon-conspiracy-theory-virus.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article)

and Eight

(https://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2020/06/04/podcasts/rabbit-hole-qanon-youtube-tiktok-virus.html?action=click&module=audio-series-bar®ion=header&pgtype=Article) (65 min)

- The state of democracy & what needs fixing: Our Common Purpose: Introduction (https://www(dot)amacad(dot)org/ourcommonpurpose/report/section/2)

and OCP Strategy #4


- Threats to democracy posed by a global pandemic: Four Danielle Allen Lectures (https://berlinfamilylectures(dot)uchicago(dot)edu/past-lecturers/danielle-allen/)

- Neoliberal influence on democracy: Danielle Allen, The Road from Serfdom (https://www(dot)theatlantic(dot)com/magazine/archive/2019/12/danielle-allen-american-citizens-serfdom/600778/)

Use at least one news story or investigative report from a trustworthy source.


- Three Ways to Frame and Measure Democracy


- The State of American Democracy Project: The Conversation (https://stateofamericandemocracy(dot)org/episode/episode-1/) (5 episodes)

- Emily Bazelon, "Free Speech Will Save our Democracy" (https://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2020/10/13/magazine/free-speech.html)

- George Packer, "America's Plastic Hour is Upon Us"


- The Atlantic: Series "Is Democracy Dying?"

- The Conversation: Articles on Democracy


- Neoliberal influence on democracy: Podcast: The Second Redemption (http://www(dot)sceneonradio(dot)org/s4-e8-the-second-redemption/) (60 min)

Anything previously assigned in this course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Subject and Section
Professor's Name
November 14, 2020
The Setting of the Sun
Understanding the relationship between the laws of the state and its applicability in light of the external circumstances present is essential for any student. It allows him to appreciate the function and the rationale of specific legislation in light of the social, political, economic, and other circumstances that led to the creation of that legislation. Accordingly, in this article, I would like to focus on an analysis of the "Supreme Law of the Land" (the United States' Constitution) and its applicability and resilience in light of the circumstances that are happening today. This includes a comparison of the underlying reason for its creation and how it changed over time. All in all, I believe that even though the United States' Constitution has served as the 'beacon' or the 'sun' that shed light towards the creation of modern democracy, it is the 'people's efforts' which signal that our democracy is in the verge of rising 'again.'
The United States Constitution
One of the greatest injustices that the American nation has faced was the fight for 'real and ideal' democracy, which is arguably going until now. From the war for the abolition of slavery to the movements of Feminism, and until the promotion of LGBT rights, it could be seen that the nation has not yet fully reached the ideal democratic nation that we have dreamed of. According to one Podcast entitled Roose, Mills, and Gnanasambandan, one of the guest speakers, talked about some theories that are why democracy is setting until today. For example, he noted that despite the 'freedom' provided by Social media. The use of algorithms that specifically targets the user's metadata shows his preferences and interest affect how democracy is influenced in the modern world. Mainly, because of these user preferences as well as Artificial Intelligence that selects what it believes is entertaining for us based on our previous clicks and choices, social media could then "how us a picture of reality that is hyperbolic and polarizing and entertaining and, essentially, distorted" CITATION Roo20 \l 1033 (Roose, Mills and Gnanasambandan).
In line with the Constitution's role, it could be seen that the "legality" of the use of these data by third-party providers signifies a 'setback' or a 'flaw' in our laws. In one article written by Allen, he noted that during the creation of the United States' Constituti...
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