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Environmental Ethics:Oil Pipeline in the US

Essay Instructions:

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Consider the following situation: The United States government wants to put down an oil pipeline through American Indian land. The land includes rivers, lakes, marshes, and is generally undeveloped. These include lots of vegetation and animals, including a very rare salamander.

Parts of this land is deeply historically and spiritually important to the Sioux people. Building the pipeline will mean the outright destruction of much of that land, alteration to much more, and the pipeline will certainly spill, as all pipelines do. What are some moral reasons in favor of building the pipeline? What are some moral reasons against building the pipeline? What might an indigenous perspective add to this evaluation of the projected pipeline?

Instructions: We expect this essay to be between 350 and 500 words. No formal introduction is required. The essay should respond to the prompt completely, and engage this module’s primary texts (note: not the overview, video(s), or annotations) by including at least two relevant quotations.

All quotes must be in quotation marks and cited (author, page number), and all paraphrased passages must be cited (author, page number). Be sure to define key terms, and explain in your own words why the quotes are relevant to your essay. Note that plagiarism will be subject to the most severe penalties set out in the course syllabus and university policy.

The Essays are graded using an abbreviated version of the rubric below. The full version of the rubric allows you to identify how you can improve on future assignments. Late submissions are accepted for a limited time, with late penalties that are assessed by the week. Note that the assignments are first graded on their content using the rubric, after which standard deductions are manually applied. This means that the rubric always reflects the strengths and weaknesses of the submission. Standard deductions: Late penalties of -2 per week.

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Environmental Ethics
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Environmental Ethics
Environmental ethics entails the study of the moral relationship between humans to, including the value and moral status of, the environment and other non-human components. In the case presented, the United States government want to establish an oil pipeline because of the economic benefits, and the project is majorly anthropocentric. On the other hand, there are environmental impacts of the project, which includes rivers, lakes, and marshes. There are also vegetation and ra...
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