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Applying Kantianism Theory in Life

Essay Instructions:

In a short essay of about three pages, apply Kant's moral theory to a real situation. You need to apply both formulations of the Categorical Imperative. Remember that you went through how to apply Kant on the self-check. You are strongly encouraged to use one of the ethical dilemmas you submitted at the beginning of the semester, as that will turn this assignment into a partial draft of your final paper.

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Applying Kantianism
Kantianism Theory follows that goodwill is the only intrinsically right thing: - An action is only right if its maxim is due to the moral law. Central to Kant’s theory is the categorical imperative (CI), a moral obligation applied to pursue a predetermined goal (Reynolds and Bowie, 275). Kant says that the motive or means of an action determines the moral value of that action, and not the consequence or end. He further holds that categorical imperatives drive people’s moral duties (Timmermann, 36). The rules are categorical because they are universally applicable to every situation or individual, irrespective of personal goals, and inhibitions.
In reality, Kantianism applies to cheating. According to Kant, the CI provides one with the maxim that they should not lie in any situation regardless of whether the action generates a positive or negative outcome. Because it is hard to know the full consequences of any action, the result might be unpredictably harmful. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid deliberate wrong lying instead of avoiding a possible wrong. This also applies to cheating in exams. Kantianism rejects the idea of cheating in a test, claiming that the act can only be moral when it is justified for everyone doing the test (Timmermann, 39). However, practically, a mass cheating scandal will compromise trust in the meritocracy system, which will result in a breakdown of the learning institutions. Therefore, Kantianism does not support cheating in an exam, terming it as immoral because the principle behind it does not comply with the moral law.
The ethical dilemma discussed previously is whether a student should cheat and get a study scholarship abroad or whether they should embrace the reality of failure and give up the idea of studying abroad. Both options have dire consequences. If the student decides to cheat, he may pass the exam and qualify for the scholarship, which is contrary to moral law. The moral law does not allow irregularities in the exam. The fact that the student decides to cheat makes him focus on the ends meet, which is getting a scholarship to study abroad. As noted, it is the motive or means of an action that determines the moral value of that action, and not the consequence.
The Categorical imperative implies that the law applies to everyone without any exception (Reynolds & Bowie, 281). Therefore, if the student follows the maxim of cheating on the test to obtain a scholarship, his motive becomes wrong even if the cons...
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