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Social Sciences
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Study Questions for Readings (Social Sciences Essay)

Essay Instructions:

1. According to Low (“A Nation of Gated Communities”), why do middle class and affluent Americans increasingly prefer to isolate themselves in gated communities? What is the cultural and social impact of gated communities in the United States? Why is Low critical of these communities? Again, what do you think and why?

2. According to Goebels (“Curing the Rustbelt: Neoliberal Healthcare, Class, and Race in Mansfield, Ohio”), what is neoliberalism and how is neoliberalism changing health care and education in Mansfield, Ohio? Have you observed similar conditions here in SW Ohio? What do you think is going on?

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Study Questions from Readings
Question 1
The middle class and the affluent American prefer living in gated communities because of several physical and psychological reasons. Gated communities temporarily shell and suppress fears of insecurity, anxiety, and social values that are conflicting in the modern world. The middle class is after protecting itself from various attacks that have happened in the past or project might happen (Low, 31). Lack of other favorable security alternatives makes Americans opt for gated communities, which might not be very effective as the residents living there want. They are places of racial and class seclusion, which does not translate to safety (Low, 37). Gated communities create discrimination where another class of people thing those living in the gated communities do not want to mingle. This creates a social conflict that further divides a country. Low is critical of the gated communities because they do not solve security issues. Instead, they bring more division and give people false hope of security. I discourage gated communities. People should be united for security to be achieved. Those who do not live in gated communi...
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