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Theory of Politics and the Comparative and International Politics

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College level essay (critical thinking)

1) How is/are Comparative Politics and International Politics as presented per the authors? The chapter discusses the role of the state/states, economic systems, the influence of culture, and the concept of democracy in the contemporary world stage. How are these areas covered? Is democracy good applicable everywhere as a workable blue print? Please make sure to provide examples where appropriate as it measures your general understanding of the chapter.

2) Define and examine the the nature of 'politics' and its relationship with human nature/behavior as illustrated by the authors. What is/are the symbiotic relationship(s) between politics and power? Please explain the theory of EVL and where the citizen (you) fit in this dynamic of power exercise? I am looking for examples where applicable.

3) Like it or not every citizen is directly linked with Economic and Cultural Determinants within their own democratic or non-democratic along with the theory of the term Modernization. Does culture or identity play any role in politics and can governments play 'culture and identity scenarios' and how can an educated v. low informed society be impacted by this theory? You can use current scenarios here in the U.S., Europe in general, or Latin America. You are not limited to these areas.

4) How do the authors define a 'state'? We have heard of a functional state, failed state, predatory state, and maybe a rogue state--explain, compare, and contrast each and what do we mean when we label states as such? We have all these types in 'real politic' or as we speak. Please provide examples for each. I can think of at least one in each continent minus the polars:)

5)We just got done with the globalization concept and I'd like you to go outside the box here i.e., the term eminates from the interconnectedness of global trade...the Silk Road, Trans Sahara trade, ancient voyagers, the slave trade, nations and individuals that made names for themselves in this process or epochs of interconnectivity. Today digital power of international commerce and diplomacy is the new world order. Who are the winners and losers in this trend how are people, states, regions impacted with this global phenomenon? Remember MNCs (Multinational Corporations) are far influential than some states bar-none! (You can also use statements from your assignments submitted to amplify additional thoughts)

If you need me to send you any power point slides about our chapters regarding the authors just let me know and I’ll upload them.

This is the book we use If this helps. Thank you

Clark, Golder, and Golder: Foundations of Comparative Politics.

SAGE Publishers, ISBN: 978-1-5063-6073-7

2019 Edition

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1 How is/are Comparative Politics and International Politics as presented per the authors? The chapter discusses the role of the state/states, economic systems, the influence of culture, and the concept of democracy in the contemporary world stage. How are these areas covered? Is democracy good applicable everywhere as a workable blueprint? Please make sure to provide examples where appropriate as it measures your general understanding of the chapter.
Political science is the study of how various societies and states undertake political activities. In essence, political science is made up of many components, including comparative politics. According to Wiley (n.p.), comparative politics entails studying and analyzing different political units, systems, activities, behaviors, and constitutions, public policies among countries, citizens, and societies, either as a whole or in parts analyzing the similarities and differences between them. Comparative politics is an aspect that entails executing comparative methods to compare and contrast political activities and systems among states and countries. Comparative politics seeks to explain and enhance understanding of the political phenomena of a state, country, society, or political system. For example, political scientists usually divide Asian politics into four main blocks, which are: East, South, Southeast, and Central Asia, while Africa is usually divided into three regions, which are the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and sub-Saharan Africa. Comparative politics explores and compares how political elites and policymakers have different opinions on democratization and modernization and how the various views result in political conflicts in these regions.
On the other hand, international politics refer to studying political, economic, and legal concepts globally. It is a political science component that explores and analyzes global politics and political activities related to the world we live in. Babic, Jan, and Eelke (27) state international politics is a field that analyzes how states and countries relate to each other in a global context. Through international politics, people can understand why international conflicts and cooperation exist. Countries adopted certain foreign policies, reasons for forming and joining international organizations, and how international organizations operate, among others.
In the modern world, state(s) play significant roles in enhancing their citizens' lives. One of the primary roles of states is to protect citizens from external aggression and internal disorder. States are also mandated to perform other roles, such as protecting the natural rights of citizens. The level of natural rights in any state depends on the willingness of the state to uphold them. The state also has to manage economic conditions and redistribute income and resources among citizens. The state usually raises a range of taxes used for a variety of purposes to promote livelihoods and public and private sectors. It is also the state's responsibility to provide public and utility goods such as water, gas, electricity, and other essentials to the people. In this sense, states' roles are one of the factors that promote political difference as citizens have varying opinions on these activities should be carried out and who should be in charge of the state to encourage the provision of these services.
Democracy refers to a government system in which the citizens have the right and power to choose their leaders. Democracy is based on the concept that people have the source of all political power in a particular state, country, or society. Nevertheless, various states and societies have different ways of how democracy is practiced and undertaken. If applied correctly, democracy can be described as a workable blueprint for every government or society. Most countries with advanced democracy illustrate it is the best suitable governance method to ensure most citizens are contended with the people holding senior political positions.
In most cases, democracy fails to work in societies whereby leaders are elected through democratic processes, changing and turning to autocratic and dictatorial leaders. For example, Russia is identified as a democratic federal republic. Still, President Putin has adopted an authoritarian leadership style whereby opposition leaders and citizens have little or no influence on their political activities.
2. Define and examine the nature of 'politics' and its relationship with human nature/behavior, as illustrated by the authors. What is/are the symbiotic relationship(s) between politics and power? Please explain the theory of EVL and where the citizen (you) fit in this dynamic of power exercise? I am looking for examples where applicable.
Politics is defined as the concept of people having varying opinions, views, ideas, and suggestions on how they should live in a particular society or state. It is an activity in which people establish, preserve, and amend rules to influence the societies in which they live. From an academic perspective, politics is the study of how various societies and states conduct themselves when establishing and amending these laws and rules. According to Jervis (2), politics result from people having different opinions, varying wants, competing needs, and opposite interests, resulting in disagreements on how they should ...
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