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Should Responsibility to Protect (R2P) be Legalized?

Essay Instructions:

Final Essay Question Prompt

l  You need to write an essay that is well-structured with introduction and conclusion. The essay is about 500-600 words.

You should not have any background information to waste page. Engage directly with the reading and deeply analyze it.

l  The readings and the film links for the essay are attached. You do not have to consult any other resources.

Essays will be graded according to the following criteria: 1) clarity of thesis; 2) organization and consistency of argument; 3) incorporation of relevant readings; 4)discussion of readings; 5) evidence for argument (theoretical and/or real world); and 6) fair consideration of strongest opposing argument, indicating how that argument is wrong or incomplete.

PROMPT: In light of the Rwanda and Libya cases, among others, and drawing on at least three readings/assigned videos on the syllabus, in your view is R2P a desirable norm and should it be legalized? Be sure that your essay takes a clear position and then considers the main objections

Resources: you have to draw from at least 3 of the films and readings

n  Background information lecture slides (see the attachments)

n  Film Links

Ghost of Rwanda: https://www(dot)kanopy(dot)com/product/ghosts-rwanda-0

The Reckoning: https://www(dot)kanopy(dot)com/product/reckoning

n  Readings:

Nuruzzaman article (see the attachments)

Glanville (see the attachments)

Megret (see the attachments)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Should R2P Be Legalized?
The responsibility to protect or simply R2P is a humanitarian intervention by other states to protect the citizens of a particular state from the mass atrocities and genocides. Responsibility to protect has always been a controversial issue raising debate over whether it is supposed to be implemented on not. The responsibility to protect doctrine is supposed to provide a legal framework to protect people from crimes against humanity, war crimes, and ethnic cleansing. When the responsibility to protect is an important step forward, it is always important to remain focused on what R2P can achieve and what it cannot especially in today's political world. From the moral perspective, and considering the positive side of the R2P doctrine, the responsibility to protect is a desirable norm, and it should be legalized.
Drawing examples from the mass atrocities and the crime against humanity that took place in Libya in the year 2011, the intervention by the United States and other states to protect Libyan people can be seen as an important move to argue for the legalization and implementation of the responsibility to protect. In the first place, a state is supposed to protect its people from the genocides, war crimes, and crimes against humanity (Glanville 186). This law is internationally acknowledged and respected by all the states. Violation of the state’s responsibility to protect its citizens is subject to the imposition of sanctions, condemnations and in some cases, international persecution and military interventions (Glanville 186). Libya under the reign of Muammar Gaddafi failed to protect its citizens. That means that people continued suffering under their leader who was unwilling to stop the oppression of the Libyan people. In such a situation, the responsibility to protect the Libyan people from other states was inevitable.
Responsibility to protect doctrine is important when pe...
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