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Writing About The History of Taiwan, China Conflict

Essay Instructions:

Answer each question in one page( 2-3 paragraphs). 1. The history of Taiwan China conflict. 2. Why should Taiwan be independent? 3. Why shouldn't Taiwan be independent? 4. The impacts of Taiwan's independence both on China and Taiwan. 5. The impact of Taiwan being part of China. You could use quotes from the doc I uploaded, or use the sources in that doc, you can use new sources too.

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Chinese Taiwan Relationship
The History of Taiwan, China Conflict.
From the 17th century, a large number of migrants started arriving from China to settle in Taiwan fleeing the hardship or turmoil in mainland China. Most of these migrants belonged to Heklo Chinese group from Fujian province while others were Hakka Chinese from Guangdong province (Kastner 54). Today, the descendants of the two Chinese groups make up the largest population group. After Japan's victory in the Sino-Japanese war in 1896, the Qing authorities had no option apart to cede Taiwan to Japan. After the Second World War, China, which was among the war victors started ruling Taiwan with the consent of Britain and United States who were their allies. This was after Japan had surrendered after the defeat by the United States after the Second World War (Li 146). A few years after the Second World War, the Chiang troops were beaten and forced to go back to Taiwan by the communist armies who were led by Mao Zedong. The remnants of Kuomintang and Chiang escaped from China and fled to Taiwan in the year 1949. The group is often known as the mainland Chinese, and they made a total population of 1.5 million in Taiwan. The great number of the mainland Chinese dominated almost every sector in Taiwan including Taiwanese politics.
Though the group from mainland China were the minority in Taiwan making about 14% of the Taiwanese population, they inherited the dictatorship and dictated over the local people (Li 148). The local people responded by resisting against the dictatorial rule from the Chinese from mainland China. This resistance led to the massacre of a multitude of people who started the Taiwan China conflicts.
2. Why Should Taiwan Be Independent?
There many factors that should be considered when deciding whether Taiwan should be made independent. Some of these factors include consideration of whether a peaceful union can exist between Taiwan and China. By the look of things, including the political climate and the present relationship between the two countries, a peaceful union between them is impossible (BBC NEWS). The Taiwanese for a long time have been willing to be independent of China as therefore they should be given their independence and separated from mainland China. Taiwanese have always viewed themselves as a different country separate from China, which is a fact that should be respected.
Another reason why Taiwan should be independent is that the country is already a democracy. Even if China wants to take over Taiwan, it would be sowing the seeds of Chinese aristocracy who would be against international law (Albert). Mainland China would also struggle to rehabilitate the Taiwan state as a province because the power is with the people who decide what to do with their state or independence. The Taiwanese are determined to remain independent and remain a different state away from mainland China. Also, Taiwan has evolved with time to develop its own unique culture and economic system which is separate from the Chinese. Therefore, denying the fact that Taiwan people deserve to be independent would be wrong (Albert). Trying, to unite Taiwan to China would lead to brutal military assault in the city which should be condemned by international law. Therefore, Taiwan is supposed to be allowed to be an independent country separate from mainland China.
3. Why Shouldn't Taiwan Be Independent?
There are various reasons why Taiwan should not be independent. These reasons range from political, social and economic. Starting from the political reasons, Taiwan was initially a Chinese province in abroad. That means that it is still within the Chinese jurisdiction even after it turned into a democracy. By trying to separate itself from the mother country, Taiwan would be disrespecting the Chinese sovereignty as their mother country.
Economically, China had invested a substantial amount of its resources in Taiwan as one of their provinces abroad. This makes mainland China own some part of the Taiwanese economy (Zhu) Trying to separate itself from China, Taiwan would be unjust since the mainland China investments would be left with the Taiwanese. On the other hand, Taiwan still needs china support and partnership to continue thriving economically. The partnership that had initially existed will otherwise be compromised if Taiwan is given its independence.
In terms of the social aspects, Taiwan is part of China as its people speak and write Mandarin Chinese. This means that China and Taiwan and China are unified through one culture. In trying to separate from China, Taiwan would be doing itself more harm than good because of there still many cultural practices that it borrows from mainland China (Yeh). Also, there are a significant number of people who live in Taiwan who consider themselves as Chinese. That implies that Taiwan trying to separate from China would end in an internal war between...
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