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Female Genital Mutilation - A Fictional Story

Essay Instructions:

Final paper: 4-5 pages

Choose ONE of the following topics:

Because it is dynamic, change-oriented, feminism has always had a special place for the creative artist. The first step toward changing reality is usually to change people's perceptions of the world and of themselves through new descriptions of reality--a task for which the artist is uniquely qualified. Choose an artist whose work you consider to be useful for feminism, in the sense that it raises issues that, in your opinion, feminists should be addressing (some suggestions are offered below, but you’re encouraged to choose an artist not on the list). You can choose an artist who does not self-identify as a feminist, if you believe they are raising questions that feminists should address. Discuss the feminist implications or gender-related issues that emerge from this artist’s life and work.

Barbara Kruger
Cindy Sherman
Ana Mendieta
Kathe Kollwitz
Maya Lin
Judy Chicago
Miriam Shapiro
Frida Kahlo
Jenny Holzer
Sally Mann
Joyce Scott
Faith Ringgold
Kiki Smith,
Tracey Emin,
Tracey Moffatt,
Lorna Simpson
Trinh T. Min-ha
Louise Bourgeois
Mickalene Thomas
Mierle Laderman Ukeles
Laurie Anderson

Discuss the philosophy of restorative justice. Illustrate how it could function, using a real or hypothetical example of a situation where an offence has been committed. Or research a Baltimore school or community organization that is using restorative justice practices.

The family is a basic unit of history. It is where change either happens or doesn’t; where social norms (regarding gender, power, democracy, authority, legitimate use of violence, etc.) are either reproduced, challenged or negotiated. Interview parents in at least two different families about their philosophy of parenting, particularly in relation to gender and power. Is “non-sexist parenting” a conscious goal for them? If so, how do they pursue that goal and what have been the greatest challenges? If not, what are their beliefs about gender and how do they feel the gender code is affecting their children? Do the parents’ beliefs about gender affect other aspects of the family structure? For instance, how do they define a family? What are their disciplinary practices? How are decisions made in the family (democratically or otherwise)? What are their beliefs about adult authority over children?

For students interested in autobiographical writing: Discuss three generations of your own family history in terms of gender roles. If you can, try to make connections to the larger social forces that have the most direct impact on gender roles: the economy; the war-system; race; class; and social beliefs about gender and sexuality.

For students interested in creative writing: Write a piece of short fiction that in some way addresses a feminist or gender issue of importance to you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Female Genital Mutilation Most girls around the world would choose not to undergo the procedure. The process is painful and to make the matter worse, no anaesthetics are used in the process. This makes it painful and unbearable to the victims. The practice has been around since time immemorial and up to now, most communities have kept the tradition. For someone who has not undergone through the process, it is hard to imagine the amount of pain they have to endure. It is hard to tell people who are embedded in their ways of life to get rid of the practice. I believe that the young girls need to be saved and effective strategies need to be implemented. That is why I want to write a story about a young Maasai girl who underwent through the procedure. Years later, she decided that she had to stop the practice as it is possible that one could die. The essay presents a fictional story on a gender issue in the community. Ole Tipat is a 30 year old educator at a school in Maasailand. When she was eleven years old, her parents told her that she was about to be a woman. All she had to do was to undergo the cutting procedure for it to be complete. The thought of being a woman excited her and she could not wait for the ceremony. After several days, she was prepared to go under the knife. After the procedure, she bled and almost died, because there was a complication. The ‘surgeon’ cut the wrong part of her vagina. The simple mistake almost killed her. She stayed indoors for more than six months and when her condition had improved, she ran away from home to seek medical attention. She joined the missionaries who had settled in the hills. At the mission school, she learnt how to take care of herself and the dangers of FGM. Having escaped death by a whisker, she decided to help younger girls by creating a subsequent ritual. The ritual she created was aimed at replacing Female Genital Mutilation. The FGM ritual has had multiple effects on religion. It is a practice performed in different cultures and religion around the world, especially in Africa. This means that the practice should not be regarded as a religious issue only. Different beliefs have been carried on concerning the existence of FGM. Different cultures and religions carry out surgery for different purposes. There are some who believe that the practice would help maintain the virginity of a girl until marriage (Rhianon & Holly 1). Also, FGM is considered to help promote faithfulness in marriages and to increase the sexual pleasure of the man. Ole Tipat has learned a lot about the practice and nineteen years later, she has not forgotten what happened to her. Some communities associate the practice with securing the marital future of the daughters. This is to mean that more dowries would be paid for a virgin, raising the economic status of the family. These are just a few examples of why some communities still believe in the ritual. The African continent has the highest number of FGM cases. In countries like Canada and Britain, FGM has been outlawed (Odukogbe et al. 138). The occurrence and the way the practice is carried vary across the different cultures. The West African countries like Guinea, Mali and other countries still believe in such methods. In countries like Sudan and Egypt, FGM has not been abolished. Instead of FGM, other alternatives can be carried out although, I would still advocate for the abolishment of the practice in all the continents around the world. I would create an alternative ritual for FGM in the Maasai community. According to the Maasai culture, FGM is a way of marking the change from childhood to adulthood. The process involves the removal of the clitoris, labia minora and partially removing the labia majora (Reisel & Sarah 49). This is a painful process because there is no administering of anaesthetics. ...
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