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Positive and Negative Impact of Welcoming Refugees in European Countries

Essay Instructions:

The essay should include the advantage and disadvantage, mainly about disadvantages, that brought by refugees. You could include some data to present the change directly. You can list some countries as example, but the main part of the article should be based on the whole Europe.

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Refugees Influence in Europe
Soon after the end of the Second World War, Europe became a sanctuary for people fleeing their countries to escape the effects of wars, prosecution, and human rights violations. The Refugee Convention of 1951 and the 1967 Protocol were the first formal guiding principles established by the United Nations under the UNHCR to take charge of the refugee welfare and ensure that the international community abides by the standards and regulations that will ensure the rights of the refugee are protected (UNHCR, The 1951 Refugee Convention). As of 2020, the UNHCR reported a population of 12 million people to be of concern across Europe out of a total population of 82 million refugees across the globe (UNHCR, “Europe”). The Internation Rescue Committee (IRC) is the other humanitarian group concerned with refugee welfare and its integration into the new societies. Over the past decades, Europe has experienced an influx of refugees and those seeking asylum from countries stricken by violence, such as Greece, Iran, Syria, and Afghanistan. This has had a massive impact on the European countries welcoming the refugees, both negatively and positively.
The health care system across Europe has faced many challenges, courtesy of the large influx of refugees over the past couple of years. The journey the refugees undergo in the search for refuge in European countries is such an ordeal that is likely to cause both mental and physical health issues (Schilling et al. 19). They often require immediate medical attention upon arrival, straining the continent’s health system due to unbudgeted expenses. There are numerous causative factors to the rampant mental health issues affecting the refugees: loss of loved ones, past experiences including murder, fear of not getting safety, food insecurity, and even anxiety as they await asylum. Also, some refugees present medical conditions that may require additional research and training for healthcare workers and other professionals, further straining the resources for the European countries.
The fact that refugees and asylum seekers enter Europe in large numbers present additional challenges to the host countries. Italy, for instance, has remained the most affected country in Europe for the past few years, receiving a total of 192,000 refugees since 2017. Refugee smuggling across the Mediterranean has become a battle between the Italian authorities and the smugglers that lure asylum seekers and refugees, sometimes engaging in illegal trade and sex trafficking. Moreover, the multitudes of refugees entering Italy have led to the depletion of resources and a rundown of infrastructure initially designed to accommodate a smaller number of refugees at the hosting centers spread out across the country (rescue.org par.4).
There have been allegations of increased violence associated with the influx of refugees across Europe. According to research conducted in Germany, the influx of refugees in the recent past led to an upsurge in the rates of violence by over 10 percent across the southern part of the country between 2015 and 2016 (Guarnieri par. 2). The increased crime rates were attributed to the open door policy adopted by the then Germany Chancellor Angela Markel that saw many Syrian migrants enter the country. According to Bernard, a former director of Rand Corporation, the Afghan migrants admitted in Europe are the main perpetrators of gender-based violence and sex crimes across the continent. This can be attributed to the hatred of the western civilization and their cultures that conflict with western culture (Bernard par.1). In addition, refugees might also carry over their religious and ethnic conflict to the host nations, disrupting the peaceful coexistence in society.
Refugees have also brought about contrasting political views across Europe. Leaders and even the residences of the host countries have had varied opinions about the idea of invi...
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